Tuesday 27 August 2013

Largest Ant I ever seen

This Ant was found loitering at the walkway of the Stutong Forest park and then climbed up a fallen twig. He was not aggressive with a length of about 30mm.

Friday 23 August 2013

Woolly Grass in the Wind  (Imperata Cylindrica, Gramineae)

Since young, I always liked this scene.When the wind blows, the woolly grass swings left and right. It is nice to see as well as to feel the wind.

Monday 19 August 2013

Blue Eye Pheasant at Stutong National Park, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo.

This bird has been living in the National Park for a few years. Now, getting use to joggers and visitors, she does not run away, just walk around casually and gracefully, looking for food.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Friday 9 August 2013

The Blue Mountain Near Sri Aman Town

From far away, a scene in the dream? Beautiful.

Sunday 4 August 2013

This bird came to my garden this morning for the water apples. It looks like Parus Inornatus, the body, the small crown and the colour. The main variation is the black stripe extending from the beak to the eyes.

I recalled a few years ago, a pair of these birds built a nest on a low plant in front of my front door. Then I saw four eggs and when I came near, the birds flew to the high place and watch my action. Then, one day, I saw the small little birds with the mother bird. This time, the mother bird stood by the small birds watching me nervously, but refused to move. I watched from far away for days, seeing the father bird carrying worms and seeds to the nest.I was happy with them, a happy family! It is really pleasant to watch them.

Then, one morning I came to see them again, all the birds were gone. Then, I saw the mother bird laid dead not far away underneath a plant, her body mutilated. I realised that the family was attacked by the cat from the next door! I had always felt the nest was built too low and my feeling was correct. I felt sad, the mother bird could had flew away to safety, but to protect her children, she chose to fight and got killed!

When I looked up to the high fence, I saw the male bird standing there looking here and there, his beak still carried some food. I would not know the feeling of bird, but based on the love and duty shown by the two birds for those few days, he would be sad for a long time.

Thursday 1 August 2013

The Red-eyed, greenish Black,  glossy Starling was attracted to the water, allowing me to take this picture. This bird is quite noisy.