Wednesday 31 December 2014

Hostile Dog

"This is my territory, don't come near, otherwise, I will bite you!"
Animal instinct? Humans also have that instinct, isn't it?
"You dare to bite me? I will make sure you disappear from this planet!'
So, who is more terrifying and evil ?

Flying Black and Yellow Bee

It hovered around the flowers, busily extracting nectar from one flower to another. 
The bees are one of the most hard working insects in nature. Why they work so hard ? For themselves or for the colony?

Cute little Bird Watching Me at a Distance

I like watching birds from a distance, did not expect this bird also watched me from a distance! 
In fact, I would like to go nearer to see the birds, but they will fly away the moment I went near. 
It is a young cute Dove.

Neighbouring Farm

The land next door is now planted with Oil Palm plants.  After two months, the palms are now almost  1.2m high. 
Native land owner said the plants will be able to yield fruits in another two years.

Monday 29 December 2014

Penang Butterfly Farm (9) - Ideopsis vulgaris blue

Simple black with bluish elongated spots at upper wings and white spots at lower wings, this butterfly is quite distinguished among the light coloured butterflies.

Penang Buttterfly Farm (8)- Hypolimnas bolina-bolina

This Egg-fly butterfly can be found everywhere in Malaysia including my farm.

Penang Buttterfly Farm (7)- Hebomoia glaucippe orange

The wing colour is unique, white inside and orange at the edge corner. 
This butterfly was quite battered with the edges damaged. As it was inside the protected environment, what had caused this? Rainfall/water? Fighting among the butterflies? Other predators? Simply ageing?

Friday 26 December 2014


Local people like to watch fireworks very much. Therefore during big occasions or celebrations, different types of fireworks were released for people to see. Using different chemicals will result different light colours. 
I like to watch too. What about you?

Penang Butterfly Farm (6) -Euploea modesta

This plain blue crow butterfly has very distinguished blue coloured upper wings while the lower surface is dark brown in  colour which is quite ordinary. However, white spots are added to beautify the look, how did it know that plain brown was not beautiful?

Penang Butterfly Farm (5) - Euploea crameri bremeri

This multi-coloured and spotted butterfly was seen busily extracting nectar from the yellow flower.

Penang Butterfly Farm (4)  Elymnias hypermnestra

This dark brown Common Palm Fly butterfly has a distinct white spot at the middle of the wings. Its upper edge is circular and back edge is particularly straight although some defects.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Common Tit Butterfly

Haven't seen this small butterfly for a while, it suddenly reappears in the farm. The back two feelers from the wings are the most unique characteristic of this butterfly. But, what are their functions?

Green Caladium

It is growing well now as I cleared away all the grass and wild plants near it. Look like this plant is not aggressive and invasive as it needs human to help it to prosper. 
The reddish green caladium is more aggressive as the plants just grow out everywhere in the garden.

Wild Laughing Fruits

They dropped down from the tree onto the ground and after some time, a pool of sticky greenish yellow slime was left inside each fruit. 
Still not sure whether the fruits are edible or not, but definitely not sweet as there are no ants and insects. Birds were however seen on the tree. 

Multi-coloured leaves Plant

Without cutting and maintaining regularly, the plant has grown into this slanting shape. But it is still eye-catching and I use this plant as Christmas tree. 
Merry Christmas to every body on this Planet!

Wild Ruella Flower

The trumpet flower is beautifully designed and coloured. It also knows how to protect itself by growing laterally.

Pink Single layer Hibiscus 

Unlike most other hibiscus flowers, the flowers tend to grow laterally or downwards, these two flowers are pointing vertically towards the sky. Bad position, a small rain will mark the end of the flowers. 
May be the flowers can read the weather, it is a sunny day. Afterall, the flowers only live for a day and this position is easy for insects to land to help pollination!

Orange Crossandra pungens flowers

This flower spikes arrange in such a way like a compass, north-south-east-west and another two lower spikes are in slightly west-south and east-south directions. Each spike has five petals, very neat and systematic, what makes them arranged in such way, Earth's magnetic field?

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Dark Brown Skipper 

It busily sucks nectar from the central yellow region of the white flower with its proboscis, oblivious of the danger coming from behind. Perhaps, with its large eyes, it had noticed my presence but discounted the danger.

Beautiful Light Brown Moth

It has nicely design colour pattern, light brown and white. Far away, you can notice its presence due its bright colours among the green bush. 
The body is small, I wonder why it needs such a large wing-body ratio.

Black "Bee"

It looks like a bee but it has little hair on the body. The body looks more like an ant except it has wings, hard wings.It rests on the dead leaf with front legs like a mosquito. It was found in my farm. 

Double Layered Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China)

It has probably about ten petals on two layers. This flower

can be quite attractive when fully matured.

Bumpy Bee

It likes to rest on the top of the dying tree trunk with the colourful wings open. Don't know why it is doing this. Is it because it tries to sun the wings?

Neignbouring Land

The oil palm trees on the neighbouring land are now almost 1.2m high. The Native land owner said he should be able to harvest fruits in two year time.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Penang Butterfly Farm (3) - danaidae euplea

This butterfly was also seen at Sarikei Farm quite frequently. 
The dark brown wings also reflect some bluish colour on the surface. 

Penang Butterfly Farm (2) - catopsilia pomona-pomona butterfly

This light greenish white with protruding veins on the wings had also seen before in my Kuching house, but rather uncommon. 
The colour design is very simple and straight forwards but is noticeable far away.

Penang Butterfly Farm (1) - appias libythea Butterfly

I spent almost three hours in the Farm trying to photograph as many butterflies as possible. This one was seen before in Miri too. 
The white/black colour and pattern gives a very clean, neat and pretty look.

Junonia iphita cramer Butterfly

Look like this butterfly is rather old or went through life and death battle, the wings are pretty smashed. It just hovered around the floor at my backyard, perhaps to find a place to sun its inefficient wings.

Bubble Universes

Was that how our universe formed, from dust remnants to small Bubbles and then to bigger bubbles? The bubbles grow exponentially until they explode and disappear, with the fresh remnants joining the old remnants, while the smaller bubbles continue to grow bigger, unaware of other universes. In such way, old universes will go and new universes will come.
Sometimes, multiple bubble universes will also form in the beginning but grow into single bubble.

Red Hybrid Hibiscus

It has ugly whitish red bud but develops into very beautiful red flower with many petals overlapping. It reminds me of the swan and the ugly duck.
The plant is not from my garden but from the Friendship Park.

Yellow Cosmos sulphureus

I had seen many other colours of cosmos flowers such as pink, red and white colour. I find this whole bed of orange flowers at Serian District Council quite attractive. I also saw a lot of butterflies and bees flying around the flowers.

Friday 12 December 2014

Twenty-One Commanding Drums

But the one which caught my attention was the twenty-one commanding drums performed by the young School boys and girls. The performance was simply superb and the sound exhilarating. It seemed attempting to tune my heart beat. I have not heard and seen such commanding group dance for a long time.

Lion Dance at Kuching Friendship Park

This morning there was Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Opening ceremony at Kuching Friendship Park. Two Golden Lions went sent to welcome the VIP guests at the entrance.

Invasive Creeping Plant

This plant is one of the most invasive plants in my farm. It just kept on crawling into my cleared land and could reach 10m within 3 weeks. It then grew around the fruit tree and strangled the branches and leaves. It also produced large leaves and blocked the sunlight to the fruit tree. WHO taught this plant how to kill the competitors, I wonder.

Feathery light brown Mushrooms

These mushrooms are rather unique with feathery edges. Look like different types of decayed wood produce different species of mushrooms.

Mimosa Plant

This rather common wild plant produces nice pink silky flowers and reddish buds. The very small white flowers belong to another species of wild plant.

White breasted Water hen

Early in the morning, the rail is looking for food outside my house fence. There are at least a dozens living in the bush. Birds are not like ants or bees, they do not know how to store food. They get up early in the morning, then start to look for food. After, they are full, they disappear inside the bush. The next day they repeat the same activities again. Some humans also behave like that. But some humans accumulate so much that other starve.

Red Sun bird

You look at the wrong flower for the nectar.  It should be the
Malaviscous arboreous flowers and not the closing hibiscus!
But, the Turk's Cap flowers are all half dead after heavy rainfall, so look like you have to starve a day!


It seems the tree finally reaching its adulthood after more than fifteen years, coming out with numerous fruits at one time throughout the tree. Perhaps, this time there are about twenty for me to eat for the coming month! Happy coming Christmas!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Lovely Pink Flowers

Although the flowers are small, but they are certainly beautiful and lovely. Can you guess what type of plant produce these flowers?

Lovely Baleria Cristata (Phillipines Violet)

I am still perplexed by the evolving behaviour of this plant. How could the flower change from white to light violet within such a short time? Obviously, the light violet colour is not as lovely and may attract less insects!

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China)

It is now hard to find the beautiful flowers in my garden. My

favourite orangey red hibiscus flower is gone forever, and 

this red flower only pops out once a blue moon.

Tabernaemontana cumingiana

Tabernaemontana plants in front my house produce thousands of white flowers everyday throughout the year. Where did they get so much energy to produce so many buds and flowers. No fertiliser, no maintenance and only occasional grass cutting by the local authority.

Delonix Regia ( Flame tree, Peaccok Flower)
The leaves are growing back and in fact denser after shedding during August and September. Although there is no more glaring red flowers, I also enjoy watching the leaves dancing gracefully in the wind from the window. The tree is obviously getting bigger and bigger.

Thorny palm tree

This palm tree comes out from no way and it is so thorny that I cut off some time ago. But it grew even bigger and more threatening. So I cut off again to the ground. It must be brought along by the birds.