Saturday 29 March 2014

Light Green Butterfly

Butterfly normally has bright colours, most often multi-colours and complex pattern design. This butterfly is simple, light green throughout the body and wings with a slight rusty colour at the edge of wings. It was found resting on the high Wall above my car park.

Light Pink Bauhinia Purpurea Flower and the Wasp

Small wasp was seen buzzing around this flower after a wet morning. The insect looked so tiny compared to the big flower.

Butterfly or Moth ?

Sometimes, a bit confused which one it is!
Butterfly has knobbed antennae. Butterfly flies during the day. So this is a butterfly.
Butterfly has bright colours. This one looks dull. Butterfly rests with its wings vertically clapped above its body. This one does not clap together and with an angle. Butterfly is not as hairy, but this one seems to very hairy. So it is a moth?

Malaya Stamps Prior to Independence

Malaya achieved independence in 1957. These stamps were used prior to independence, without showing the States, just Malaya. They were dated 1956.

Singapore Old Stamps

Singapore was one of the Federated States of Malaya between 1948 to 1957. These stamps were used at about 1951.

Friday 28 March 2014

Pomelo fruits

The fruits came out all the year upon reaching maturity. 
Just spend some effort in planting, the rest leaves to the nature, you will have free fruits once a while! 

Negri Sembilan Old Stamps

Negri Sembilan was also one of the States of Federation of Malaya. These stamps were used in 1951.

Kedah Old Stamps

These stamps were used when Kedah joined Federation of Malaya between 1948 and 1957. The stamps clearly marked the year of usage, 1951. Kedah is the rice bowl of Malaysia, but it also produced a lot of coconuts. The stamps reflected the importance of coconut plantation during that time.

Tree with many Birds

Why are there so many birds on the tree ? What are they doing ? Negotiations ? Friendly Meetings?
Based on their outlines, they seem to be of different types of birds but there is no obvious conflict.
This tree is located at the Bintulu Beach.

Clerodendron Thomsonae (Bleeding Heart)

What a name, does it look like the heart bleeding ?
I was told that a Mother missed a far-away son very much, and when the son came back, she had already passed away. He went to her tomb sadly, feeling his heart bleeding and found this plant growing out in front the tomb. He called it bleeding heart.

Andrographis paniculata (King of Bitter)

This wild plant has disappeared for while from the garden, but now it re-appears.
Well, it is the most bitter tea can be made into! Want to try?

Thursday 27 March 2014

My ugly Dog

Well, you look handsome today! What have you been doing to your face? Have you done some face operation ? 
Well, that is the part of the way of life of modern human. If you are ugly, just do some beauty operation! 
In future, there will be no ugly beings in this world! Then the word "ugly" can be wiped off from this Earth!

Village Chicken

Village Chickens are popular among the city folks for making soup because they are not injected with growth hormones and less fat. These chickens are let free near the house and they search for their own food such as wild berries and worms. As they walk long distance, their meats are tough and not easy to bite, so it is best for boiling as soups. 
Poor chick! Your destiny seems determined the moment you follow humans.

Cassia Fistula (Golden Shower Tree)

This medium sized tree is quite popular and can be seen along the highway near the old Sarawak Assembly Building. During blooming, the flowers are plentiful that the tree appears yellow in colour. No wonder, it is the national tree of Thailand as well as State tree of India Kerala. The yellow flowers are also National flowers of Thailand.

Sansevieria Trifasciata (Mother-in-law's tongue)

These plants suddenly burst out with sticks of greenish white flowers, very unique!

Tanager Bird

Are you Tanager bird ? Look like it, light orange head, thin flat beak, black eye surrounded by thin white cornea, light greyish white belly, greyish brown wings and thin long tail. This is not the first time I see this bird in my garden.

Wednesday 26 March 2014


I see you again at my reading corner. Don't worry, you can have your nectar and sing as loud as you want. I will read my book! 
Today, I am reading this book called "The Invisible Universe- The Story of Radio Astronomy" by Gerrit L. Verschuur, very inspiring and very interesting.

Double layered red Hibiscus rosa sinensi

This flower is a bit untidy but the petals are fresh and pretty. 
Many flowers are very uniform, you will see them very identical, like red hot hibiscus, Philippine violets , allamanda carthartica trumpet flowers, etc. 
This flower can be slightly different, sometimes, two distinct layers, sometimes merge together but very messy, and sometimes like this towering shape.

Zephyranthes Candida Amaryllidaceae plants (Flowers of western wind) 

Small but standing out prominently as if being swayed by the wind, but it is not necessarily tilted towards the east or west.

Three Coloured Plant

It is growing very well in my garden, that is why full of pink and white coloured leaves. Nice to look and appreciate.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Stealth Plant

The plant has now nine stems, seems to grow very well now.

My garden Rose

Why the shape gets weirder, unlike the usual beautiful shape ?

My Reading Corner

The garden near my reading corner is growing back with colourful flowers after my maid cut down the bush some time ago. Birds are coming back again singing every morning, but I spend less time here nowadays.

Lizard eggs

These lizard eggs stuck firmly together in my rock samples. The mother lizard really knew where to lay their eggs !

Monday 24 March 2014

Reddish Dracaena cultivars

The garden has produced many of these beautiful reddish plants for the last few months. It seems to grow well in wet weather.

Episcia Cupreta

This indoor plant produces nice little red hot  flowers now and then. 

Dark Green Turtle Back Plant

This plant is about seven years old. It never grew more than five leaves and presently only two leaves remain. Young leaves are brown in colour. It is a unique plant and the only plant in the garden. It does not seem to reproduce and grow laterally through the rhizome. It seems to be quite happy to remain as it is!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Another view of the full Moon

The cloud appears to be at the back of the moon. It is just an optical illusion when the cloud is thin and the moon is bright.

Light Brown Butterfly

This small butterfly likes my back pack too. The Wings are full of creamy wavy lines and it has only one prominent eye spot. The head has black stripe and it looks like a robotic head.

Golden Red Dragonfly

This dragon fly is slightly different from what I previously posted.   It has transparent wings or is it because it is young, the opaque wings have not developed yet. The eyes are different too.

Ixora Coccinea (Jungle Flame)

These flowers are bright red when fully blossom and neatly arrange as seen in the lower bundle. The other bundles are young with many buds, and the flowers are slightly yellowish.

Sibu Durin Bridge Night scene

From the bridge looking upstream, this was how the full moon night scene looked like at 10.00pm.  The place appeared deserted and only one location had light.

My Brother's Dog

It is time to celebrate the new season, Let's dance!
Well, he is a bit drunk now!

Bright Pink Bougainvillea

Whoop ! The whole branch is clustered with bright pink bracts! 
Every Spring (even there is no spring in tropical countries), the colourful bracts just spring out like full blossom of flowers.

Saturday 22 March 2014


The incessant attacks of the waves on the rocky beach will erode the beach. Millions years later, the land form will be totally different. Rocks will be broken down to smaller particles, sand, silt and clay and they will be brought to different places of the sea to deposit. 
Anyway, it is nice to watch the waves, coming, breaking and going. These waves had given plenty of ideas to ancient Chinese philosophers/poets about life. 
"Waves had thrown away unaccounted past heroes and famous people" 
"Back waves are going to take over the front waves"
"Life is just like wave bubble, it forms quickly and disappears quickly"

The lonely Angler

He looks so tiny near the sea but his patience is going to earn him some fish. It is really hard work to fish under hot sun! 
What actually drives him to do this ? Beautiful sea ? The joy of fishing something ? The profit?

Whitish Black Butterfly

The white colour is blended with too much black strings until it looks dark in colour. But the three small colourful spot eyes underneath the wings and the larger spot eyes on top surface of the wings are distinguished.

Watching Sea

I could not resist the temptation to drop by the Bintulu Beach, watching the sea and listening to the waves and winds.

Bintulu Beach

In Bintulu, people are so busy working and doing their daily chores that they don't have time to go and relax near the sea beach! 
The beach is actually quite beautiful. 

Sea Transportation In Bintulu

Why they still prefer to use small boat through the rough sea when there are safer highways/roads parallel to the sea ?

Friday 21 March 2014

Hesperidae (Yellowish Slipper)

What are you watching with your big protruding black eyes? How far you can see ?
This is a specialised group of moth with small wings compared to its stout body. It has daylight habits like butterfly.

Rainfall in my Farm

Sarawak is blessed with a lot of sunshine and rainfall. That is why vegetation flourishes. You won't be able to find Desert on the Borneo Island. 
This is how heavy rainfall looks in my farm.You hardly can see the surrounding hills and forest. It is time to have good sleep!

It looks like a Chinese painting too.

Pretty Yellowish Butterfly

This is another pretty butterfly found in my garden in Kuching. Where does it come from, I also don't know.

Chocolate Grass Yellow (Eurema sari sodalist)

This small yellow butterfly with brown edge is often seen flying around my farm.

Beautifully Designed light coloured Butterfly

I found this butterfly in conflict with the Blue Pansy Butterfly in my farm. They seemed to be fighting for territory or perhaps they would end up in pair!

The wings are nicely designed, the eye spots are well coloured and nicely placed.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Amazing Growth Under Tropical Climate

There was a path  through this bush to my farm. But due to failure of the stream crossing (Erosion caused by clearing of land), I made another path through another way. 
After three months, the old path just disappeared! The growth is amazing, which is typical characteristics in tropical climate. Double efforts are required to stop the growth on the farm land.

The Peaceful Pond

Don't bother about the hard work required, enjoy the peaceful view of the ponds !
Just like the little white Egret, he is also dazed by the large pond and wonder where to find the fish ?