Saturday 30 August 2014

Light Pink Roses

After few days of raining, the roses opened up their flowers again to welcome the cooler temperature.

Otacanthus coeruleus

Why these beautiful ocean blue flowers look rusty with white?  This is the only plant left in my garden! 

Friday 29 August 2014

Umbrella Fungus

Another fungus growth popped out of the decayed plant under a plant after a few days of rain. It seems that raining season is coming despite the prediction of drought period by the weather-man. Is weather forecasting a Science or an Art ?

Oxalis triangularis (Stealth plant)

This plant is prospering well under the Water Apple tree. It has to be under the shade.
Now, it has more than twenty stems and many flowers. No fertiliser or attendance is required.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Beautiful Black Butterfly with white stripes/spots

The colours are distinct, black and white. It hovered around the lantana camara plant in my garden and finally rested on the one of the yellow flowers. 

Starling Birds

These birds are not only ugly, the front bird looks unfriendly and arrogant. 
What makes this bird on top of the world, looking down on every body? Power or wealth ? 
If you have been to many large offices seeking for services, approval or assistance, you will see many of these birds!

Cloud Formations

It is quite interesting to watch various cloud formations in the bright day, white clouds against the blue sky. When you focus on them, you can feel different characters flying by! It appears the large frog cloud on the right is being chased by the goblin cloud at the left!
Clouds are basically just water and aerosols, but the various shapes formed are just beyond imagination.  

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Beautiful Orangey red hibiscus

Even the flower is not opened fully, it is simply beautiful! 

Saturday 16 August 2014

Water Lily

These flowers are often associated with the Buddhism and I wish to dedicate these flowers to my father-in-law, who was a staunch Buddhist.

Friday 15 August 2014

Sectaria Grass

This grass is also found in my farm, swinging in the wind.  

Friday 8 August 2014

Seven Petal Pinkish white Flowers

Most of the flowers have five petals, these flowers have seven, and are pointed towards the sky. I still cannot find its name. The leaves are quite like spathiphyllum leaves.

Pink Mussaenda erythrophylla

Too many flower bracts and dry weather a few weeks ago resulted the bracts drooping. 
Somehow, these features are not as beautiful as many simple flowers.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Double Layer Hibiscus  

This flower does not seem to be neat and tidy. Petals spread in multiple directions. But the bright red colour is nice to view.

Dark Pink Periwinkle and its Bud

The light pink bud is waiting for its turn to show off while the two flowers are trying to tempt the insects to come and pollinate. While this plant can be easily propagated by cuttings, I often saw them germinating from the pot, probably from the fertilised flower. I did not see any fruit or seed formed on this plant.

Yellow Holy Rose

This plant withstood the drought well. With the rain pouring almost every early morning, the flowers are opening up in abundance in my garden. 
Another white variety is nowhere to be found.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Pigeon and the Red Flowers

This picture can be used as a background for painting, nice red flowers, green graceful leaves and the nervous bird!

Skipper (Parnara guttata)

How many moths are there on the picture? What are they doing?

Orange Bouganvillea

After cutting down by my maid about nine months ago, the plant re-grows and starts flowering again at my reading corner. This plant has strong will to live and survives.

Tuesday 5 August 2014

My Brother's Dog

Ha-ha, you got tricked by me!
I did not throw you any egg biscuit, just pretending! 
Now you are searching like hell! Your nose is not that good anyway!"

Tecoma Stans

The trumpet flowers came out now and then throughout the year. After raining for the last three days, more number of flowers are coming out.

Striped Grasshopper

There are three layers of colour, green, black and light brown/yellow. Look like a bully too!

Monday 4 August 2014

Delonix Regia (Flame Tree, Peaccok Flowers)

The Tree is now blooming with flowers and makes the landscape orangey red, which can be seen far away. The drought has caused the tree to flower two months earlier!


White Periwinkle Flower

The flower collects some rain drops and is happy to show off.

Dark Pink Hibiscus and the Rain

Finally, the drought ended three days ago with some rains at the evenings and nights. Yesterday early morning, there was a huge pour of rain lasting for a few hours. Hibiscus flowers opened up in abundant in response to the rain.
But the rain did not drive away the haze completely. Kuching is still hazy!

Cirrochroa emalea emalea (Malay Yeoman)

The angle of view was distorted, it rested on my knee and I did not want to disturb the lovely insect when taking the photograph. The wings seem to be slightly damaged.
Perhaps, butterflies are attracted to me because of my sugary sweat! Bad sign!

Sunday 3 August 2014

Cassia javanica (pink showers)

It only flowers partly, the tree is already outstanding. Hopefully, the tree will continue to bloom until the whole tree top is pinkish. But this will depend on the right weather.

My Brother's Dog

Wooi, this is uncultured, you cannot simply urinate everywhere!

Saturday 2 August 2014

Unknown Tree with maroon flower and red seeds

This unknown small tree at Miri produces maroon(with white edges) colour six-petal flowers and red seeds, very unique. When the leaves dropped, the colour changed from green to red too.

Mussaenda erythrophylla (Red flag bush)

This plant with very red flower bracts, is found at Serian Lake Garden. The small creamy flowers will open up soon.

Zingiber zerumbet (pinecone ginger)

These plants were found next door to my old home in Sarikei. The reddish/yellowish cones appear to be longer  and slender. The leaves do look like Crepe ginger leaves.

Friday 1 August 2014

My Brother's Dog

"Why are you closing your eyes while talking to me? Want some more egg biscuits?"
"Yes, give me some more! "
"No, you are full already, why you need some more?"

When he is not hungry, he will take the cake to the garden, dig a hole and bury the cake for the later consumption!

Brown Butterfly with white wavy lines

The white wavy lines resemble cloth linens and the wings appear knitted. This small butterfly likes to rest at the shaded low plants and quite passive. It has four eye-spots, one large and three small. The real eyes are hardly noticeable. Is it sleeping?

Ixora coccinea

It started with few flowers coming out from the top of the branches. Giving time, the cluster of orangey red flowers formed a dome. 
Why is it have to form this shape? Is it because this shape is more striking to the insects?
Isn't spreading out of flowers will be more spacious and therefore will attract more insects to help pollinating?

Light Brown Pansy Butterfly

Despite some damages on the wings, this butterfly was actively flying around the vast grassland, resting on top of the fern or grass occasionally. What is it looking for?

Haze and the Sun

It was 5.30pm, yet the sun was so obscured, blocked by the haze caused by human burning.
So the theory of mass extinction of many living things in the past seems logical. If there was a huge meteorite impact on Earth or super-volcanic eruption, the sun would likely be totally blocked by fire and dust, there would not be light for many days or even months, then the survival of many living things would be in jeopardy. 
Perhaps, that was why intelligent animals only came to Earth's scene so late, before they could form, they were already wiped off!