Saturday 31 January 2015

Brown and Yellow Moth

This moth is found in the wild at my farm. The colour is nicely blended but the "feather" appears fluffy and untidy. 
What is that transparent latex that dropped on the back of the head?

Dark Brown Garden Moth

This insect is found in my garden, the wings appear very well groomed and neat. The colour is anyway, dull.

Tropical Fruit - Artocarpus Integer

The local called it Cempedak. It is a genus of Jack fruit and the flesh is sweet and fleshy. I found two fruiting trees in my farm. I harvested five and gave three to friends as they are too sweet.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Red Bird

You seem to be too fat to be a Sun bird. Who are you then ?

My Ugly Dog

He is getting better and grows back to normal, happily running and playing around the front yard. The loss of an eye trauma seems to be history.
Life, after all, has to go on. No time for self pity neither useful to groan.

Rainy Days

This month, January 2015, practically rains almost every day, wetting everywhere and flooding many places. Where does the rain come from and when is it going to stop?
So, this colourful sunset, like firework, is such a pleasing sight!

Friday 9 January 2015

Irritating Neighbour

There are many ways to dispose grass and leaves, but this neighbour chose to burn it openly, resulting the smoke going into my house. 
Stupid fellow, it seems law/pollution is not his/her concern! Sometimes, really not easy to stay with this type of people.

Yellow-vented Bulbul

This cute bird has been staying with us for more than ten years. Recently they made  lot of noises on the palm trees, well, possibly heat period. 
I like its raising hair at the head, perhaps I should adopt this hairstyle, looks cool!

Herd of Doves

They leisurely rested on the dead branches of a 10m height tree adjacent to my house. 
What is it attracting these doves coming to my house? Food or quietness or trees?
Occasionally I saw one or two on the basketball stand in my compound and sometimes they are walking on the concrete floor.

Thursday 8 January 2015


Despite the gene commands the plant to come out with same flowers, but somehow there are some differences. Can you pick up some? 
Mutation is the norm when comes to evolution, you can call that defiance. After many generations, the flowers are not going to be the same. 
Was the Rose two thousand years ago the same as the one at present ? I wonder.

Maroon Dragon Fly

Why the wings have to be in front even the insect is resting on the ground?
For bees and flies, the wings are folded back which look more cordial. 
For butterflies, the wings are folded upwards and look beautiful.
All are flying insects, yet they evolve into different paths. 
Was it because Nature wanted to experiment with various ways to see which one finally be able to live on this planet?

Penang Butterfly Farm (22) - Vindula dejone erotella(female)

The female Cruiser Butterfly is quite different in colour to the male.
Its background colour is light brown with white stripes and golden patches. But it has similar short blurred black curvy lines, especially at the edges of the wings. It has same brown veins dividing the wings into sections. It has two pairs of big eye-spots at the lower part of the wings.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Pink Rose

The roses are opening up again! 
No wonder, new year and Spring is coming. 
The plants in my garden seems to be inactive nowadays, my be too old, not flowering throughout the year even we are in the tropics.

Touring Sarawak River

Want to cruise? This small boat offered RM27 to tour the Kuching Water Front per person last week. You will see the how this third large river divides the City into two parts! One, the prosperous old City propelled by private sector and the other part, the New City led by the Government. 

Cute Little Aix Sponsa Wood Duck

Quack! Quack!  Quack! Does this duck quack like that? The feet are too big that hey overlap. How can the little duck walk properly? But this bird is so inactive, most of the time sitting or standing still, watching humans with curiosity.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Jatropha podagrica - Australian Bottle Plant

Have not seen this ugly plant for a while, it is extinct from my garden. Its stem swollen and knobby, but its flowers can be catchy. This plant is well-known to treat gout and arthritis.

Penang Butterfly Farm (21) - Vindula dejone erotella

The Cruiser Butterfly is the common butterfly in the Penang Farm, almost everywhere and in flocks on prepared flowers and concrete side rails. It is also commonly found in Sarawak Parks and gardens.
Its background yellow/light brown/golden colour is not uniform, varying at different parts of the wings and body.It has short black curvy lines, especially at the edges of the wings. Light brown veins appear to divide the wings into sections. It has two pairs of eye-spots at the lower part of the wings.

Penang Butterfly Farm (20) - Triodes helena 

This Common Birdwing butterfly is also aplenty in the Farm, on the flowers, floor and hanging on leaves I had not seen it on the Borneo Island. It unique feature is the body and the upper major wings are black in colour but the underneath lower wings are yellow with black line pattern and edge spots.

Penang Butterfly Farm (19)- Triodes amphyrysus ruficolis

This Malayan Birdwing butterfly is rather common in the Farm, seeing them in fleets on the prepared flowers. But I hardly saw it at Kuching Gardens or Sarikei Farm, perhaps I saw once in Miri. The colouring is simple, white with black spots/lines, but is quite attracting.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Penang Butterfly Farm (18) - Trogonoptera Brookiana Raja Brooke's Birdwing

This large butterfly is rather common in the tropical Forests of Borneo. I also saw quite a few flying around in my Jakar Farm. It was named by Alfred Russell Wallace, the parallel Naturalist/evolutionist with  Charles Darwin, who was invited by Sarawak Raja James Brooke between 1854-1856 to visit Borneo Sarawak. That is why it bears Raja Brooke's name.
If you have read his book "The Malay Archipelago", you will admire his adventure, bravery, observations, knowledge and thoughts.

Penang Butterfly Farm (17) - Tanaecia iapis horsfield's Baron

Such a long name but this butterfly is also not that common. Probably, I saw only once in my Jakar Farm, Sarikei. The wing design is simple, upper part dark brown colour and lower part, light blue.
A corner of its wing has been ripped off. It shows this world is full of danger, predators are always around to swallow you up!

Penang Butterfly Farm (16) - Prioneris thestylis malacana

This pretty and stylish Spotted Sawtooth butterfly is not common in the Farm as well as other parts of the Country. I saw only once in Miri and in my Kuching Garden. 
Using all the six leg to anchor on to the Marigold flower so as to counter-balance its large body before it can suck nectar from the flower, a number of engineering skills involved!

Saturday 3 January 2015

Penang butterfly Farm (15) - Orange emigrant

I don't know why it is called orange emigrant when it is actually yellow. But this butterfly is another common butterfly in Sarawak where you can see them flying among the grass. It does not have many spots which appear blurred from the sides.

Penang butterfly Farm (14) - Papilio demoleus

This lime butterfly, in contrast to lexia dirtea, is more spectacular in pattern design and bright in colour. It is likely to be living under the bright sky for opposite sex to spot! The little orange colour at the tail is unique. It probably has also a hundred spots, also random shapes, but there are many minute spots at the upper wings.

Penang Butterfly Farm (13) - Lexia Dirtea

This dark brown spotty butterfly is not appealing as compared to many other butterflies. The tail is striped like a bee.There are about a hundred spots on the wings and body, mostly random shapes and not a single eye-spot. Why it evolves to such an ugly design perhaps due to its dark living environment.

Friday 2 January 2015

Zephyr lily plants 

The flowers are pleasing and eye catching. But after a few years, the leaves become dense, messy and entangling, with less flowers. Perhaps it is time to replant to cut down the population.

Heliconia psittaorum

The Friendship Park management  has cleared off most of the heliconia rostrata and replaced with this variety. Perhaps the former type grew too tall and dense that made this part of the Park became isolated, posing security threat to the visitors. 
This variety only grows to a height of 1.5m, perhaps the yellow and red inflorescences are more distinctive.

Penang Butterfly Farm (12) - Jumonia orthya

This blue pansy butterfly is one of the most common butterflies in Malaysia, including Borneo Sarawak. It is outstanding because of the blue colour.

Penang Butterfly Farm (11) - Jumonia Atlites

This grey Pansy butterfly looks more pleasing although it has just single light grey colour and simple markings. But there are five pairs of yellowish black ocellis at each wing besides another five pairs of uncoloured eye-spots.

Penang Butterfly Farm (10) - Jumonia almana javana

This mostly dark brown colour peacock pansy butterfly does have some similar wing pattern design but the eye-spots are certainly more outstanding. 

White and Pink Bouganvillea

Though the colour of the flower-like leaves of  this variety is not mono neither deep, it still exhibits unique beauty with its pinkish stain in the white. It is found near the fence of a house next to Kuching Friendship Park.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Mimosa-like Plant

The leaves look like mimosa plant, but they are not sensitive to touch and remain as it is after disturbing. There are no familiar pink flowers. It has a pair of twelve leaflets at each side of a pinnate leaf. 
It is likely to be a tropical flowering tree, Cassia, growing out of the seeds dropped down by the bird's shits.