Wednesday 2 September 2015

Red Cassia javanica

It is nice to see this red coloured cassia tree blossoming during this time (Autumn?) at the road side near my old home in Sarikei. More and more flowers are opening out as it grows older. It would be nice to watch if there are rows of these trees on a straight road. But oddly, there is only one such tree.

Dolphin flower bud

This flower bud is very unique, look like dolphin. It is furry and light violet in colour.
Guess what plant is it?

Little cricket world

To us, these flowers are just a small part of the world and to me this is even smaller as I look far into the far end of the universe.

But to this cricket, this is its everything, living, finding food, mating and fighting for territories. 

Some humans are like that too.

White and brown Moth

Although moths are generally active at night, I see this distinguish type of moth often resting on the leaves away from sunlight in my farm. The body looks small compared to the wings.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Sibu Tien En Temple

It is one of the largest temples in Sarawak, located about 26km away from Sibu. But it is away from busy town and therefore there are not many visitors. Only those travelled by vehicles would make occasional  visits. 

Forest Farm

This green tropical lush is part of my farm.
Many friends shake their head and told me that it would not be possible to change into farm, unless I used tractor to bulldoze away the trees, lianas, roots and 20cm thick of dead leaves/debris or burnt it.

I cut away the small trees, lianas and planted the fruit trees in between the large trees without machineries and burning. Very slow way, but the farm is shaping.