Friday 27 May 2016

Elephant's Ear

These plant suddenly grew out at the unattended neighbouring land not long ago. 
Some years back, I saw it at about 200m away from my house, planted by an interior designer.

How does it spread from far away to near my house. I thought this plant spreads by underground root bulb and not from seeds.

Water Lily in My Garden

It survives through the dry and wet weather for the last 12 months in my waging pool. 

I think it can survive well in the future as its roots are firmly anchored into the underwater soil. 

But when is it going to flower and what type of flowers?

Red Red Hibiscus

Petals, stigma, style, and filament are all red except the yellow anthers. Such large red flowers are hard to come by in my garden nowadays.

Celosia Spicata

This plant at one time grew well in my garden and then it died off after one season many years ago. 
Recently, this plant sprung up again and let's see how long it will last. The leaves seem to be not that healthy compared to the flowers.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Shy Sugar Glider

It is a hot day, the cute little animal is sensitive towards sunlight. It immediately climbs into a egg paper board and hides inside.
Certainly, the claws are sharp, don't get scratched!

Flying Air Plane

I looked up the sky, it looked like an aeroplane flying at twenty five feet above the ground. It did look like an aeroplane any way, except that it flew far too low.

No, it is an insect. But what insect is it?
Couldn't it be a dragonfly?

Monday 23 May 2016

Little Yellow and black Wasp

Oh! Are you sure you get the right place to poke?

Art's Instinct

It seems that all living things are inherited with some form of Artist instinct. When you buy a house, you not only wants it to be liveable, you wants it to look nice outside too.

The same goes to this sea shell creature. It actually needs a shell only to protect its slimy body, but it steps a bit further by creating a beautiful shell structure.

Soul Carrying Boat

It was a local Chinese custom to build a boat to carry the decease’s soul to the after-world. This paper boat was built to carry my father’s soul about forty years ago. The family gathered around putting presents and written words in the boat after which it was burnt in the river.

What I saw was:
(1)   The old people ensured old traditions and customs carried on,
(2)   The businessmen saw opportunities to create businesses,
(3)   The family carried hope that the deceased lived well in the next world.

Customs evolved from fear, beliefs, ignorance and here-says. The practices would take generations and sometimes stern government policies to wipe out. Fear, pride and ignorance are the main factors for people to resist change of customs.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Light Orangey Red Angelic Lily Flower 

Rather than looking at the devilish plant which makes your hairs stand up, it is more pleasant to watch the angelic lily flower.

The Devilish Fruits

This devil plant with uneven skin on the stems is quite common in my farm. But the fruits are not often encountered. The three fruits stand up like snake heads watching the sky.
I saw one turned red at late evening and took a photograph, but it did not show up in the photo. 

Are Humans Greedy and Stupid?

There are plenty of  food around, why you humans have to fight and manipulate each other to survive? Some of you became miserable, some became crazy and some even committed suicide.

Look, plenty of honey around, I do not know which one to eat first, said the red bird.
Perhaps, humans are too greedy, demanding and expecting too much for themselves in  the end destroying themselves!

Saturday 21 May 2016

Unfair World

After years of hard work and sweat in the farm, only one lemon for me!

No wonder, nobody wants to work in the farm any more. People prefer to sit in front the computer and do trading, high salaries, money comes fast and immediately you can enjoy the fruits.

But one day, people may starve to death in front of the computer or on office table as the farms are abandoned.

Virgin Secondary Forest

As I tried to venture into my unexplored farmland and opened a path to survey the boundary, I was discouraged by the hostility of the Nature! 
Dense, thorny and hanging plants blocked my way into it!

I had always this feeling every time I met this unwelcome virgin secondary forest:
 "Where Do I begin?"

Unique cloud Jet

When I was tired working around my forest farm, I liked lying on the brown decaying floor, watching the clouds flying past the tall green canopy window. I could see different shapes of clouds moving past in different directions and at different speeds. 
Last trip, I saw this jet of cloud passing through the window as I lied down. I was wondering where it came from and why in a continuous jet form, as if some force is causing the jet to shoot towards another place. 

Can't be Black hole phenomenon?

Thursday 5 May 2016

Spathiphyllum "Sensation"

This plant has prominent ribbing and light green leaves. But the flower is white and turns green when becoming old.

Delonix regia

The branches are broadly spread, but where are the leaves and flowers? This plant is acting weirdly, as if knowing that I am going to cut down these branches for my kitchen extension.

Another Borneo Sunset

Another Sunset of the Horn-bill Country, I am glad I am in.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

My Ugly Dog - Standard Posture

Do I look okay ? Make sure you take my photo properly,  I am going to show to my girlfriend, hee-hee-hee!

Ugly Sunbird

I thought Sunbird is beautiful because of the distinct colours, red, yellow or brown colour. 
But with this close-up photo, such thought becomes a illusion. 
If it evolves backwards to dinosaur, then the appearance seems reasonable.

Chocolate Grass Yellow (Eurema sari sodolis)

The Chocolate Grass Yellow butterfly  finally shows it top side brown colour and curvy pattern. Well, pretty!
What are those signs at the underside wings?