Saturday 24 December 2016

Water Apple Flower Fibres

Don't know why this tree has to produce so much flower fibres and drop on the floor like snow falling. But it certainly makes the ground organic and then merge into the ground, perhaps recycle back into the plant.

Tassel Tree

This is one of the unique species of trees found in my forest farm. The fruits look like a bunch of beads tassel, growing out of the tree trunk trunk every meter.  I have not found its name yet.

White Moth

It has one black dot on each wing. There are some indistinct light yellowish pattern on the white wings The feelers extend horizontally. It is small, less than 15mm. 
Many types of moths have been seen in my farm even in the daytime. Many more would be found if there are lamps around at night. 
I used to stay in my grandfather house at young time. I enjoyed collecting beetles at night but not moths because they emitted nasty powders the moment they were caught.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Eggfly Butterfly

"Hei, why you look so angry today?  Are you being jilted by your counterpart?"

This type of butterfly has a funny face with protruding mouth!


People like me from Tropical countries would not know how cold is winter ( I had never visited any temperate countries during winter and I do not think I can withstand temperature of zero degree C). 
But even in Spring, I could feel the coldness in which I hardly could endure. This bird, is it wagtail or Great tit, had to shrink its body to withstand the cold Perth wind.

Monday 12 December 2016

Exotic lily flowers

They have very long and bending stamens. The flower structure is neither circular nor trumpet form, but just unsymmetrical. They are unique and exotic but too few and small to be noticed. These bulbous plants are survivors and have been in my garden for more than 15 years, propagating quietly.

Bright Allamanda Carthartica Flowers

These flowers are quite lasting and bright. A few plants would make the garden lively. Additionally, there are not many yellow flowers around. Most flowers are pink, white and red.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Pink Bauhinia Flower

Bauhinia flower remains attractive and exotic due to its unsymmetrical form and shapes, even the petals are not all similar in terms of shape and size.

Backyard Snow

The water apple tree began to "snow" again since a few days ago. For a few years, it had no being snowing that much as it aged to 18 years old. I am thinking of cutting down as it is growing too tall at my backyard, more than 12m, higher than my house and may become dangerous if it is struck by lightning. Too much maintenance too, falling leaves and flowers. 
But it has seen me ageing too, christening me with the dropping flowers and providing me fruits. Shall I?

Friday 9 December 2016

Wild Fruits

When I was small, I explored the forest with my cousins and picked out any fruit in the forest which was ripe or red and had no fear of consuming it. But as I grew older, doubt of poisonous always came into my mind, and prevented me to try. I do not wish to go to toilet or hospital just because of these Adam's fruits!

The red fruit does look delicious! I do not know what is this plant which grow up wild in my farm.

Tongkat Ali - Local Ginseng Plant

What happens to the leaves? The plant used to have thick growth of leaves throughout. Now, the lower part is mostly gone. Who has stolen my Tongkat Ali leaves.
Hei, friend, leaves are bitter, but I need your feedback. After taking the leaves, are you really feeling manly strong?

Anyway, I find another plant in my farm some 50m away. There must be more plants around, waiting for me to discover. These are valued plants popular among the local Males! Want to try?  This root probably costs more than US$300.

Greenish Yellow Grasshopper

"Leaves, leaves, green green leaves, I want my food, where are they? I am going to starve to death!!"
"Liars! You are in tropical country, there are tons of leaves produce every day and every where, only the lazy and dumb grasshoppers would starve to death!"

Well, on this land, we do have many lazy, smart and dumb pests around.

Take away the feelers, this grasshopper look like a frog or newt on the front part.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Anthurium Plant

Despite new environment in the farm and lack of maintenance, the plant survives quite well by producing waxy and pretty pinkish

Beautiful Leaves

After seeing the ugliest creature, it is better to see the beautiful leaves to balance up the brain reactions.

The three-colour plant continues to come up with beautiful pink leaves in my garden. The trick is to trim the plant often.  Even the next stage of ageing still give the pleasing white leaves before turning into normal green. 

Rose plants also produce dark pink pretty young leaves but its beautiful flowers over-shadow these leaves.

Ugliest Creature

Most creatures on this Earth come with forms and patterns, being bacteria to humans, you can distinguish them easily.

But this creature has no form, look like rubbish of textile, feathers,  pasted together. I saw it moving slowly on the Wall in my old home at Sarikei. It is quite small, being 4-6mm wide and 10-12mm tall. Not very sure what it is, perhaps a sort of insect pupa, likely moth, hiding underneath the hastily glued rubbish collection.
Was it?

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Serene View of the Ponds

The view has been blocked by the fast growth of trees and plants on the lowland. I cut down the trees and plants again in order to see the view, the third time since 2013. Interference is required to suit my views, but Nature does not seem to like that. The plants grow incessantly and compete with each other on every space of the land. What are they rushing for?

Tropical Green Green Forest

On the hill side of my farmland, I can see unending green green forest of the far land. It soothes my unsettled and angry spirit from the city and I feel peace every time I came to the farm. 
Perhaps, this BBC article on NDD (Nature Deficit Disorder), reported on 26th November, applied to me as well after staying in the city for 30 years.

Monday 5 December 2016

Forest Spider

You may have seen a lot of house spiders, but this one is the forest spider. I don't know how it crawls onto my bag pack in my farm. It is quite small but the colour is light brown but the body seems to be made up rough patches of skin.

Pretty Wild Bamboo Orchid

Every time, I travelled along the Borneo trunk road, I saw a lot of these small pretty flowers standing along the road verges. I had also transplanted a few to my house or farm, but it did not seem to survive. The plants like to be left alone and grow wild.

Orange Parabolic Fungus

It is really outstanding with it orange colour. The surface looks so smooth and sunny. A few months back, I had published the smaller orange fungus at my old house, but this time it is bigger.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Balancing White Egret

Look how I can balance my long body well on the wire. 
Why the circus never invites me to perform in the show? 

Dark Tit (Hypolycaena theocloides2)

Quite a while has not seen this butterfly in my farm. Now, it is appearing again. 
The butterfly is distinct because it seems to have two heads, you may not be able to distinguish the head and the tail far away, as they all look like head, a decoy to protect itself from predator.

Small Brown Shell Houses

"Knock knock Knock, Who is staying inside?"

Only one is still occupied, the other four shell houses had been broken. They cemented firmly onto the side of a plastic container in my farm. Guess who were the occupants?  Bumpy bees ? Wasps?

I had the urge to break the last one and checked what lived inside. But finally, I refrained from doing so. Nature, just be it, should be able to find out from other sources.

Friday 2 December 2016

The little green Worm

The small green creature is less than 10mm long and is about 1mm diameter, crawling on my hand. I have to take off my spectacle see this little worm moving on my hand. It looked like it dropped from the small trees or bushes which I was cutting. It is likely a resident on the green leaves to match its colour.
May be it tried to find holes on my skin to enter, but don't worry,  I closed all my wounds with plaster sheets. 
What happens it drops on my ears or eyes? Probably it would crawl in!
Worms not only live in the ground, they also live on trees.

Jack Fruits

Suddenly, I found this tree came out with more than fifty fruits throughout the forty feet high tree. It was indeed encouraging after seeing so many fruits growing, with sizes from 50mm to 175mm. Last year, there was no fruit growing out on this tree.
I have to wait for at least another month for the fruits to mature. 
But can the fruits last that long, as I also saw a squirrel jumping from one branch to another on the tree.