Thursday 31 October 2013

Smiling Face Flowers

I looked through more than 20 reference books, still could not find the name of this Plant. 

The flowers are small, but come out plenty, smiling in the wind and brightening up the landscape.  Blue and light pink colour varieties are found in my garden.

Yellow Canna indica ( Cana Lily)

This yellow canna flowers look a bit messy.

On closer look, the inner surface has quite a splendid reddish "splashed" design to attract insects.

Light orange Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

This is another colour of the hibiscus I like to look, very soothing.

Dark brown Butterfly on pink Lantana Camara Flowers

So much nectar to extract !

Arundina Graminfolia (Bamboo Orchid)

This plant is found in plenty on high ground along the trunk road from Kuching to Sarikei. Far away, it  is not outstanding, but at close range, it is one of the most beautiful flowers.

I planted a few at home, but after a year, they died off.

Another Sarawak Old Stamp - 1949  15 cent

That was the time Under British rule, I was not even existed.

The pleasing Blue of Otacanthus coeruleus flowers

Euphorbia Milli (Crown of thorns)

Small flowers but quite catchy, the stem is full of thorns and shall be handled with care.

Don't worry, Babies ! Food is coming !

Hungry baby birds Crying for food !

Mummy, I am hungry ! Give me food !

Mother Bird is protecting her babies !

Naked Baby birds

Two naked baby birds leaning on each other, were found in a nest on a plant in front of my house. Where is their mother ?

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Cordyline Fruiticosa (Flaming Dragon Tree)

This dark pinkish plant can be striking when planted among the green plants.

Agave Anguistiflora (Century Plant)

Decorative plants in pot or along the path can be pleasing. There are two varieties, light green with dark green zip-zag lines and yellow stripe along the edge of the leaves. The other type is without yellow stripes.

Light brown butterfly

The eye-catching part is always the wings. Look at the ten eye-spots at the edge of the wing, apparently use to distract predators.

Since I started planting flowers in my farm, dozens of them of various colours, sizes and varieties are found flying around. I hope one day, the valley part of my farm, with stream and lake, will form the butterfly heaven.

Melastoma candidum D.Don

This wild plant can be found plentifully in the secondary forest near my farm. But be careful, a number of bees are often flying around, busily extracting honey.

The unique sight of this plant is the flower buds, which resemble a few baby birds opening out their mouths, waiting for food!

Pedilanthus tithymaloides (Japanese slipper flowers)

This succulent plant is easily grown in pots under the sun. Small sprays of flowers are produced at the ends of the branches.

Otacanthus coeruleus 

The flowers are striking with the blue colour among the green leaves. Have to maintain often by cutting the plants to lesser height, otherwise can be quite messy when entangle.

Turnera ulmifolia (Holy Rose)

This plant can grow well by just cutting and replant. The flowers are abundant, yellow or white.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Anthurium andraeanum

It grew abundant in my garden with brilliant pinkish spathe on raised veining surrounded by green leaves.

Ganoderma Lucidum (Mushroom)

This golden fungus was found growing well on a 75mm diameter stem which I cut down in the farm. 

Are they really therapeutics and can be used as medicine ?

Mimosa pudica L (Mimosa bush, shy grass)

Be careful of its thorns when you try to remove weeds ! But its globular flowers are striking and the leaves are sensitive to touch. They will close up if disturbed.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Acalypha wilkesiana (Jacob's Coat, Beefsteak Plant, painted copperleaf)

Outstanding orange-red foliage plant.

White Catharanthus Roseus, Apocynaceae ( Madagascar Periwinkle)

They look so pure. Look at the centres, different colours.

Hippeastrum (Red Lily)

Bulbous plants with nice red trumpet flowers.

Eucharis grandiflora (Amazon Lily)

It is easy to grow but difficult to get it to flower. The Flower is snowy white and has very nice smell, not strong but enough to put you back into memory lane.

Pachystachys lutea (Lollipop Plant)

After a year of neglect, this plant is nearly extinct from my garden. It needs cool climate and some fertiliser. I saw a lot of them at Cameron Highland, large and bright. Here, it looks miserable.Nowadays, I do not like use chemicals. All plants and fruit trees use organic fertilisers from the dead plants and grass.

Lovely Yellow Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (double)

Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

This tiny colourful (bluish) bird perched motionlessly scanning the water in the drain for fish.

White-breasted Waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus)

This Darling bird was trapped in the mouse-trap. Oh, she is very strong, has to grab tightly for photographing before releasing her back to the grassland outside the fence. Have to lecture her NOT to take food meant for rat.

Waterhen had been my neighbour for years, often seeing  them bring around little black chicks to look for food in the cool mornings near the drain.

Canna indica ( Indian shot, Cana Lily)

Flowers can be spectacular but the leaves get wilted very fast and the herbaceous shrubs will become eyesore. I used to plant quite a few, but it occupied a lot of root space and pots were insufficient to prosper. These plants subsequently became extinct from my garden.

These flowers were photographed at the nearby friendship park.

Baleria Cristata (Phyllipines Violet)

The flowers are graceful  and beautiful but the branches are messy, entangling into neighbouring plants.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (double) hybrid

This flower has two separate layers but quite easy to grow and propagate. By separating into two layers, its beauty is lost.

Hibiscus mutabilis (double)

This flower can play magic, white in the morning and turns pink at noon.

It is not easy to maintain or propagate, and extinct after few years in my garden.

Beautiful Roses are hard to come by in the tropics.

It lasted only for a day or two and after that :

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Hydrangea macrophylla

Plenty of flowers but a bit dull in colour.

Coleus Hybrid ?

The colourful leaves stand up, excellent as house plant.

Wild Asplenium nidus ( Bird Nest's Fern) on an old  Rubber tree near my Farm

Cuphea Hyssopifolia

Tropical plant used for ground cover, the pinkish purple flowers are small and fine textured leaves are tiny.