Tuesday 31 December 2013

Euphorbiaceae (Rubber Tree)

Rubber tree tapping was my early age familiar activities. My mother took me to the grandpa's rubber garden and early in the morning about 5.30am, she would tap the tree bark and let the white latex flowed into a small bowl. I would help to collect into a pail at 9.00am and took to the small hut and mixed with formic acid to solidify the latex in the flat aluminium containers. As the rubber hardened, we then fed into a hand turning mechanical rollers and made into hard flat sheets. That was what I enjoyed playing. These sheets were then hanged in a smoke room where they were dried and blackened before selling to the traders. Smoking was to prevent damage from mould. We did not know what the rubber was used for then.
Today, we all know the usefulness of rubber. Synthetic rubber at one time almost bankrupted the small rubber holders. But with the increase of petroleum price, which is the main ingredient of synthetic rubber, natural rubber is again in great demand.

These old rubber trees are next door to my farm in Jakar where the other day I got lost.

Flower of the western wind

Six petals, six anthers and one pistil and with the help of ants, pollen will land on the stigma and germinates. A pollen tube is formed, grows down the style and breaks into the ovary. Twin germ cells are released, one fuses with an egg, the other with an extra nucleus forming endosperm. Seeds finally develop inside the ovary.

We won't know this is happening every minute in the plant world because we can't see it. There is too many things in this world we are ignorant of unless we investigate and study. But how much we can learn as we do not have much time. That is how and why our soul can be easily filled up economically in search of  knowledge rather than by owning unlimited materialist things which only a few powerful, shrewd and privileged persons can have it. 

Episcia Cupreta. Hei Nature, why one of the beautiful flowers can become so obscene !

Well, nature does not know the shape is obscene. Only I or you label it. Nature will form any shape it deems fit.

Reddish Dracaena cultivars

New shoots are sprouting out. These beautiful reddish plants seem to grow well in wet weather.

My ugly Black Dog

He feels shy today and does not want his picture to be taken. 

Today is First of January 2014, but this new year may be good for USA but may be a harrowing time for my country and developing countries, as the foreign fund managers pull back their funds and invest in USA.

Two birds Fighting against One Starling Bird

Look like they are fighting for territory and food. Isn't this the instinct of all animals including humans ?

Monday 30 December 2013

Pink, Orange & Yellow Lantana Camera Flowers

The plant has been dormant for a while. 
After the last 10 days rain, the flowers are again blooming. Look like the plant requires a lot of water and cool temperature to bloom.

Lepisma saccharina (Silverfish, silvermoth)

This silvery fish-like insect was found in my rock specimen box slithering around. Waoh, it can be traced back 400 millions year ago, existing very much earlier than human species of only 7 million years !

Ghostly looking Myna bird

What happened to this bird's head ? Why the fur disappears except a few on the head ? Well, I had seen the birds fighting each other and the winner enjoyed pulling away the fur as trophy ! What a weird behaviour ! Isn't this typical of the bully's behaviour, sadistic behaviour of all animals including humans ?

Golden Dragonfly with transparent wings

Why are there so many types of dragonfly ? What material makes the wings transparent and yet strong enough to make it flies ? I cannot imagine how the wings and body of our aeroplanes can become transparent like this and perhaps can reduce detection from sighting and radar !

Greenish Dove ?

Who are you ? Why are sitting on my Butterfly tree and so relaxing ? Aren't you worry that I may barbecue you as you are so fat ?

This bird really knew how to enjoy herself up there.

Dazzling Ptychosperma macarthurii (Hurricane Palm)

The berries are simply overwhelming. I planted a row in front of my house.Now, the palm trees are fruiting, attracting many noisy birds.

Typical Rainfall Day in Kuching, Sarawak

This was how the day looked like for last ten days in Kuching near my house. Most outdoor economic activities had stopped especially construction. I had not sweat for the last ten days since I came back from the farm! Feel cold and wet to go outside, bad to health !

Sunday 29 December 2013

Tecona Stans (yellow bells) seeds

The small tree is fruiting now with plenty of hanging brown pods splitting up. There is no worry that that this plant can become extinct in the garden. The seeds are very small, embedded in white silky cloth-like sheet.

Latest Jet Fighter Model ?

No, this is the multi-coloured fly in my farm. Anyway, it can be an inspiration to the design of jet plane, just look at its aerodynamic body, highly efficient, isn't it ?

Strobilanthes flaccidifolus (sabah snake grass)- Cancer treatment herb ?

According to Malaysian herbs by Goh Kong ling, these green herbs can be used to treat breast and ovary cancer. I planted a lot in my garden and given to friends who need the herbs. Really, I do hope that there are cheap plants in this world which can cure cancers so that the patients will not be bankrupted by the medical expenses. My friend's sister got breast cancer and after spending more than RM200,000 ( a lot borrowed from relatives) and two years, she still died.

Stealth fighter Plant

Wet weather is bad for this plant. Only four stems left and half dead! Though it does not like direct sunlight but it still needs the light for healthy growth.
The soil is so wet that I cannot do gardening for the last ten days!

Wrightia religiosa

Although small, these fragrant, pendulous white/creamy bulbs and flowers are beautiful at close look.

Caladium original

It does have the showy colour of the common hybrid grown in many tropical gardens. But this is the original plant from tropical rainforest. It has plain green leaves with randomly distributed red and white spots. It just sprouts out in my garden.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Pachystachys lutea(Golden candle)

The striking yellow floral  feature is not the flower but the bracts. The flowers are small, white and tubular, protruding out from the yellow bracts. Why evolves in this way is beyond my comprehension.

Light Pinkish and orange Canna generalis

This flower blossomed not long ago. It has few thin petals, fine texture but lovely.  

Hen and chicks

The hen is marching in between her chicks. The front chick seems to lead while the other chick is just mummy's baby.

Black and light blue Butterfly

The design is simple but elegant. 

Hymenocallis littoralis (Spider Lily)

The flowers in this picture do look like spiders !

Dracaena Marginata Colorama (Madagascar dragon trees)

When these plants are grown in right formation, it can be outstanding. I found this on Bali Island. The plants in my house are just not attractive, why ? The growths are not thick enough!

Light Violet trumpet Flowers

The flowers are almost similar but the leaves are not.  The narrow leaf plant is called Ruellia ciliosa (petunia) while the other plant brought by the bird is still not known.

Pink Plumeria rubra (egg flower)

This plant is found at one hotel compound  on Bali island. The pink flowers are unique as those found in Sarawak are generally white or cream.

Four legs Pinkish Green Insect

This insect looks like praying mantis but has only four legs. It has long body, two big compound eyes and a pair of antenna, but where are the third pair of legs?

Friday 27 December 2013

Yellow Episcia Gold digger flower

The Episcia  flower has the cheeky appearance like the wishbone (the smiling face) flower.

Variegated Solenostemon scutellarioides (coleus)

How many colours are there on this plant ? Green, yellow, violet, red, pink, etc. on the leaves and light purple, blue, white and cream on the flowers ! 

Delonix regia (peacock flower)

Finally, the last hot red flower dropped. Two months of flowering and gave splendid landscape to my backyard. The next ten months will be evergreen again. It signifies another new year. Goodbye to 2013 in another four days.

Culphea hyssopifolia (false heather, elfen herb)

These small flowers seem to be forever blooming. The multi-branched shrub is seldom more than 50cm high and makes excellent ground cover.

Adenium obesum (desert rose)

Despite raining and very wet, my desert rose is blooming. It is well protected under the shed.

This month, the rainfall is probably about 400mm in Kuching.
Next month, the rainfall may achieve 700mm! The low-lying areas may get flooded.

My Ugly Dog becomes an Alien !

Does my expression scare You ?  Hee-hee-hee!

Hylocereus undatus (pitaya, fire dragon fruit)

This cactus-like plant is fruiting. It can be found in many of the gardens at Sarikei. They are grown as subsistence plants, supplement income to the farmers.

Yellowish Light brown Butterfly

The colour is a bit dull but the pattern design on the wing is beautiful.

Christmas Carol at Sarikei

Sarikei has quite a number of Christians. I  was born as a Christian too. My mother sent me to a Catholic Church and baptized me when I was just a baby. I am not as pious as my family members and has attended church only a few times.
These pictures were taken a few years back.

Thursday 26 December 2013

How to process Pepper ?

When the berries are ripe, they will turn orange/red. That is the time we pluck the fruits. There are two types of common end products for us to make and then sell to the traders.

Black pepper is the simplest end product, just dry under the sun until they turn black. They are then ready to sell. 

White pepper is more difficult to process. The berries are put inside gunny sacks and sock in the ponds until all the skins peel and decay off, leaving the seeds. This may take a few weeks. The white seeds are then dried before selling off. These white seeds can be ground to powder to use as spices.

Multi-coloured Butterflies

These colourful butterflies were found in the Penang Butterfly Garden. There are so many butterflies in the garden and is worthwhile for tourists who love nature to visit.

Colourful Zinnia elegans

When the whole bed of zinnia plants flowers, the colour can be overwhelming.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Pepper Garden

Sarawak is famous of producing pepper and supplies to the whole world. This pepper garden near my farm is quite old. 
My parents used to plant more than 1000 plants in the farm. The revenue obtained was used to support family expense and my university education. I worked in the farm during weekends and school holidays, especially when the berries were ready to be plucked.

My previous Dog- Ding Dong

Even she had gone for two years, sometimes I still missed her, especially her sad eyes. She died of larvae burrowing infection of her tummy. The flies can be so fatal by depositing the eggs on the wound and the larvae then burrow all the way inside the body. I did not realise then until she was so sick.