Tuesday 31 December 2013

Flower of the western wind

Six petals, six anthers and one pistil and with the help of ants, pollen will land on the stigma and germinates. A pollen tube is formed, grows down the style and breaks into the ovary. Twin germ cells are released, one fuses with an egg, the other with an extra nucleus forming endosperm. Seeds finally develop inside the ovary.

We won't know this is happening every minute in the plant world because we can't see it. There is too many things in this world we are ignorant of unless we investigate and study. But how much we can learn as we do not have much time. That is how and why our soul can be easily filled up economically in search of  knowledge rather than by owning unlimited materialist things which only a few powerful, shrewd and privileged persons can have it. 

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