Thursday 31 July 2014

A hazy Day in My Farm

Even though the mid afternoon is hazy, the scenery is still dreamy, like the early misty morning. But the air is horrible, stuffy with burning smell and hot!

Sharp Ends Green Grasshopper

This is a much better looking form of grasshopper compared to the ugly "tanker" type.

Two Plants Fusing Together

These are the two separate wild plants of same species growing out from the ground. They got entangled as they grew up and fused into each other! Very unique plants!

Maroon Dragonfly

The webbed wings look very complicated but what are the shiny dotted stuffs in some of the webs, especially the upper wing ?

Bidens Pilosa (Railway Beggarticks)

This Aster Family plant looks a bit haggard with few flowers and leaves. It has survived for tens of years at my Sarikei old home garden!

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Dark brown Butterfly with white bluish patches

Last visit I saw this butterfly in my farm, this visit  I encountered it again. Were they the same butterfly ?
The patches at the bottom are sightly bluish.

Crepe Ginger Flower

This flower managed to open up during the drought while others wilted and turned light brown.

Orange and black Butterfly

This butterfly just flew from nowhere and rested on my knee in my farm. After I took some photos, it flew off. 
The wings and colour are unique and what is that long brown feature on its head?

Dark Brown Nigger Butterfly

It has four medium size eye-spots and one small eye-spot. It likes to fly and rests on the low shady grass and plants. It is a common butterfly in my farm.

Deep Pink Bougainvillea

The "flowers" are opening in very deep pink colour again following the drought period. In fact in many areas, these plants are blossoming.

Birds' Gossip

Bird A (Right side) whispers to the Bird B: "Brother, it is now not safe to fly in the sky, do you know humans nowadays like to fire missiles into the air! We should not be flying often, better learn how to walk!"
Bird B(Middle): "Ya, a lot of rumours flying around that this newly evolved apes also fire missiles from the trees!"
Bird C, who is obviously nervous starts to look left and right, "Which tree ?"
Bird B pointed to the North.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

My Brother's Dog

"Ready to jump for the egg cake?"
"Yes, I am ready, but don't throw too high, I am too short for this stunt!"

Yellow Nerium Oleander

The yellow Oleander flowers also point downwards to prevent water being collected in the trumpets.  The fruit has unique shape, like a heart with pointed end at bottom, but the top looks like guava. But beware, this fruit is probably poisonous, especially the seeds.

Cassia javanica (pink showers)

More clusters of the attractive pink flowers open up on this tropical tree in Sarikei after a month. Due to the drought, the flowers appear to be drooping.

Small Cattle Farm

It is certainly nice to see a few cattle grazing near the left road side towards Sri Aman. Despite the drought and haze, the cattle have to continue eating grass to survive. But the grass is too dry and has turned brown. Don't know whether the owner has to supply fresh water to the cattle to ensure they go through this dry period.

Change of Sri Aman Landscape

Where is the usual beautiful mountain range towards Sri Aman? 
It disappears into the haze, through human burning acts! 

Ixora javanica
This variety of Ixora plant at Serian Lake Garden produces clusters of deep red flowers.  

Monday 28 July 2014

Light Pink Hibiscus

For this flower, the lack of water causes it to open only partially!

Orangey Red Hibiscus

Even though it is wrinkled due to the drought, the flower is still very beautiful.

Multi-coloured Shrub

Following the drought, the plant has generated new colour in additional to the pink, white and green, brownish green!


It hardly rained for the last three weeks. My farm became so dry. Three young fruit trees died as a result of shortage of water. It was lucky that I covered most of the open field young trees with grass/ leaves the previous month. 
In fact now is the season of planting, in particular paddy. It is just traditional for rural farmers to burn the field and then do the planting. They are not concerned with pollution created because they need to survive! 
When I travelled from Sarikei to Kuching, it was hazy all the way. The far away mountains are light blue and covered with white haze.

Pink Pigs

These are the commercial pigs we eat in Sarawak. 
Poor pigs, they were sent to the slaughter house to be converted to human food! But at that moment, I was more worry about whether these pigs would shit or not. 

We were all travelled at about 70km per hour on the highway.
If the pig did shit, what would be the speed to hit at my car? 

My Ugly Dog in Prison

Oh Man, what are you doing with your tongue, so gross!  
He seems to be acting weird after being imprisoned for a night!

Delonix Regia ( Flame tree, Peaccok Flower)

Now the reddish-orange flowers come out in plenty, even before the leaves fall. The striking colour can be seen from a distance.

Asystasia intrusa

The little violet trumpet flowers seem to be dancing in the air when the wind blows.

Oxalis triangularis

The plant is getting more attractive and fresh now as can be seen from its dark violet colour.

The Plain White Roses

Well, it is not often to have two roses opening up at same time with the third one coming on the same plant in my garden. These two plain white roses bloomed as a result of the current dry July.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Home of Starling Bird

The mouth of this Deity becomes the home of the small starling bird.

Murraya paniculata

The small white flowers are emitting fragrance again.

Light Blue Hydranchea macrophyla flowers 

This colour is lovely, fresh blue.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Bleeding Heart

These flowers are dedicated to MH017 flight victims and their families.

Malvaviscus arboreus

These flowers now look to me like ground to air missiles. Just press the button (like playing computer game), the 777 Boeing aeroplane will fall down with innocent passengers dying without knowing why.  

Acalypha wilkesiana (Jacob's Coat, Beefsteak Plant, painted copperleaf)

The plants need a lot of sunlight to grow healthily as well to produce the outstanding copper red colour. They are easy to propagate by just cuttings.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Orangey Hibiscus Flower

Beautiful! Shining among the green!

Cassia javanica (pink showers)

The tropical tree near the road at my Sarikei home began to produce bunches of attractive pink flowers a few weeks ago and will be all over the tree. These flowers are indeed impressive.

Wrightia religiosa (Mo-li)

The small fragrant pendulous flowers also attract small ants, which means as the flowers age, sugary staff is being produced.

Aglaonema hybrid

The red plant still looks bleached after putting under the shade. 
The flower bud has remained close for a month. What is the "kick" to jump start the flowering!

Holy Rose

The yellow flowers are outstanding in the green environment, but the leaves seem to grow denser and faster than the flowers.

Friday 18 July 2014

Red Rosa sinensis

This red rose-like hibiscus is nice looking, better than the double layers hibiscus. But the plant does not flower often. The hot weather probably induces the flower to come out, in fact many flowers in my garden now open up. 

Small Caladium

The well grown small green and white caladium turns into such pitiful situation following draught at Jakar Farm, despite under tree shade. Only one  leaf left! 
It needs regular water supply to survive well. I am not sure whether the leaves will spring out again after rain. 

Caladium bicolor

This newly sprang out leaves are slightly different from the usual caladium variety in my garden. The central vein has only slight pink colour while the white spots are stained with pink colour. 
Why? Is this mutation?

My Ugly Dog

"Goodbye, I am going out to play with my friends!"
"But, nobody is guarding the house!"
"I don't care, this is my pleasure time, don't expect me to work 24 hours a day!"
"You have been sleeping almost 24 hours after your pleasure time, where got working!"

Calliandra Haemaetocephalla  (PowderPuff)

The hot weather stimulates the growth of these flowers in my garden again. I can see red all over 
and truly a pleasing sight.

Bird on Butterfly Tree

Now, the bird also lands on the Butterfly Tree, obviously looking for insects as food. 
Just a tree can attract so many lives, this tree is definitely ecologically "lively".

Guess what is this bird from the back side? 

It stood on the overhead cable and could not stand still, turning here and there. 
It is black and white colour.