Sunday 28 September 2014

Carpet plant with yellow flowers

I thought that it would be attractive if the garden ground was covered with carpet plants with small yellow flowers. Unfortunately, plenty of weed grass also grew in between the carpet plants which still required me to mow over. All the yellow flowers then disappeared. 
Idealistic is often far from realistic.  But we still has to dream and act, that will push us to the frontier, isn't it? 

Wild Petunia (Ruellia ciliosa)

The wild plant sprang up in the Pot by itself, often produces nice trumpet flowers, while the Ruellia purposely planted in the garden seldom flowers. 
Look like, the wild plants survive better than the pampered ones!


Beautiful Taberaemontara divaricata Flowers 

It is sickening to see animals killing each other, be the termites or the humans, for whatever reasons. 
Nothing can make you feel better by looking and appreciating the beauty of the Nature, the snowy white Taberaemontara divaricata flowers.

Termites (2)

The moment they were exposed, small and big black ants swarmed around and capture the termites. The soldier termites tried to fight but they seemed to be blind and out-numbered by the enemies and soon they were being injected with lethal chemical and paralysed. Happily, the black ants carried the white termites back to their nests and probably became their food or other purposes.
Humans also captured their enemies too, not for food, but for ? You Guess!

Termites (1)

This colony of termites was dug out about 15cm below the ground in my garden near the dead Christmas tree. Many transparent white worker and baby termites are seen crawling around. The Queen and soldier termites which are brownish in colour hide or camouflage with the brown soils. The workers and babies look so defenceless, yet can destroy huge timber structures and trees. 
Wooh, primary Queen can lay 20,000-30,000 eggs per day!

Friday 26 September 2014

The Most Spicy Chilli

The market stall owner claimed that this big chilly is the most spicy chilli in the country and managed to convince me to buy two plants from him at US7.
So I planted into my farm two months ago. Unfortunately, it ended up like this during the dry period when the chillies  are just about to ripe. Look like the plants would not be able to survive!

Unknown Plant with Yellow trumpet flowers

The flowers spring up from a series of overlapped rusty green buds, pointing at about 60 degrees above horizon towards the sky. The leaves are bright green, narrow and slightly folded. The plant is found in Stutong Forest Park, Kuching.

Codiaeum Variegatum

Like copper leaf, this plant requires sun shine to make the leaves bright red. The problem is that the insects secreting white sticky substance on the upper stalks, tend to blacken the stalks after a while and if not spray by water jet, the leaves will gradually die.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Acalypha wilkesiana (Jacob's Coat, Beefsteak Plant, painted copperleaf)

Very red indeed under the hot sun. 
But some one was hiding behind the drain steel, spying on what I was doing. Who is this fellow ?
The irritating Cat, often triggered my house alarm at midnight!

Euphorbia Tirucoli (Bone Plant)

I used to have Bone plant in the garden, it became extinct a few years back. 
This plant is found at the Stutong Forest Park and is well grown into a small tree with branches all over. There are hardly any leaves, even there are, they are so small  and easily dropped, therefore hardly can be noticed. The branches are round and easily broke, bleeding with white latex.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Sun's Light Intensity

Although the Sun is 150 million kilometres away from Earth, its thermonuclear fusion gives us the necessary energy to sustain life. From Earth, we often see the sun as the golden uniform round disk (NOT recommended to see directly as this will damage your eyes, I use camera), but the intensity of light is not constant. During sunspot activities, magnetic field causes disturbance and ejects gas more than million kilometres into the space, thus varying the light intensity towards us. Sunspot activities peak every 11 years and the next peak will be 2022. The following photographs show the clear variation of light on April 13 and September 19, 2014.

Eupatorium odoratum (Boneset)

Wild Plant with unique flowers often springs out from nowhere at my old home garden in Sarikei.

Multi-coloured Plant

The three coloured plant is spreading too wide and occupying space. Look like have to trim already!

Begonia hybrid (angel wing begonia)

The small light pink handbag buds are hanging nicely there as if for sale. The actual flowers are very small and yellow in colour.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Bauhinia Flowers

The flowers became haggard after a day or two, but when they are in the fresh state, the flowers are certainly beautiful and looks high class.

Cat whisker Flowers

The plant on Penang Island seems shorter but the flowers are not smaller.

Yellowish Bright Orange Butterfly

It looks like Cruiser but the wings have many false eyes. The underside is dark brown, very different from the bright top surface and with another ten pairs of false eyes.

Clerodendrum paniculatum (pagoda flower)

Haven't seen this plant for a while, the other day went to the Stutong Forest Park to walk and found this plant growing tall with the usual pagoda form of orangey red inflorescences.

Potanthus omaha (Lesser Dart)

This is a colourful type of skipper butterfly found in my farm. It has big eyes but look false.

Ixora coccinea

Most of these plants in the garden are dormant now, after being there for fifteen years, not trimmed neither under bright sun. 
This plant which was cut from the mother plant and under the sun is now blooming.

Monday 22 September 2014

Yellow Sunbird

This bird is often seen in my garden sucking nectar from the Calliandra haematocephalla flowers. I just wonder how many flowers each bird requires to suck each day in order to support its daily activities. 


There are many types of birds nesting around my old Sarikei home mainly because there are six large fruit trees in the garden compound. This bird with long tail is just one of them. It is easier to take pictures from the back then in front because the moment they see humans, they fly away.

Long Inflorescent of creamy flowers

The curly flowers are quite eye catching among a number of green seeds. A few insects were seen busily at work on the small flowers. This wild plant springs out near the front drain next to the lantana camara.

Lantana Camara Flowers

The plant grows high and well outside my house boundary near the drain. The flowers are  beautiful and plenty. It does not need to be taken care of. In fact, it grows poorly when put inside the pot. 

Saturday 20 September 2014

Allamanda Carthatica

This plant not only can be grown in low bushes by frequent trimming, it can also creep onto another tall plant and blooms high above the ground. In front of my fence wall, the plant crawls up the taberbaemontana divarica plant and often blooms together with the white flowers of the host plant.

My Ugly Dog

Why are you feeling so bored ? You have your freedom and frequently socialise with your girlfriends, why are you coming back here and brooding around?
Are you being jilted? 
Who asks you to be so ugly? 
Never mind, probably in the market there is this plastic surgery for dog too! I can make you the most handsome dog in the world!

Friday 19 September 2014

Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

After forcefully feeding the baby bird with water and tadpoles by opening up its long beak, he is looking better. In fact, he tried to fly away during the last feeding. Probably, I can let him free by tomorrow!

Springing Earthworm

Earthworm not only moves by wriggling around like snake. It also springs from one place to another. This photo shows its springing from one place to another place, though not much distance, 3-5cm.

White Butterfly

This small butterfly flies almost all the time but during one of its brief stop, I managed to get its details. 
The wings have plenty of curvy markings similar to the Common Grass Yellow (Eurema hecabe contubernalis) or mysterious writings.

Earth Worm

Which one is the head and where is the tails?
Many city people do not like to see the wriggling worm. Well, you can see clearly here without fear being threatened!
When we were young, we used to dig for earthworms, put into the hook and go for fishing.
For Tibetan monks, you are not allowed to kill even a worm because it may be your ancestors reincarnated form!

Holy Rose

This holy rose is outside the house fence. But it is different from inside the house, the edges of the flower petals fold naturally  to form straight edges. Why ? Other flowers also have different shapes!  Is it insufficient water or pollution that caused such growth?

Baby King fisher

Are You dead ?
This bird fell from the nest located on the tree near the dog house last night. The ugly dog barked furiously and my maid brought the bird and put inside the bird cage. She said she also saw some broken blue egg shells nearby. Well, quite a news to me the eggs of the king fisher are blue.
I thought King fisher made nest near the stream or river bank on the ground. Why this one situated on the tree then? The poor baby bird is quite developed and perhaps still has not learned how to fly. 
May be the mother kick him out of the nest in order to learn to fly!

Thursday 18 September 2014

The Sun in Different Resolutions

Even from light distribution these photographs, what can we learn about the Sun?
(a) Taken Naturally
(b) High brightness
(c) High Contrast

Do the images look familiar when compared with the Hubble image Cat-eye?


Thanks to the Sun, we are able to enjoy sea of sunlight warmth and beauty during the day. 
But how many people know that the little light emitted or reflected at night from the distant objects in the far outer space is the main way for the scientists to study the behaviours/properties of these objects, being the stars or even the planets within our solar system? Cannot imagine how a few pixels of light can reveal so much, but such were the accumulated wonderful and hard works done by many scientists behind the scene for the last few hundred years!


Normally they come in flock. But this one is alone near my farm. Has the bird got lost? 
The bird house is just nearby, it should be able to find its home.

Flame Tree and the Birds

One bird is watching, one is singing and the other one is jumping from one branch to another. 
The flame Tree in my garden certainly attracts many types of birds.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Lovely Anthurium Flower

Fresh, red and lovely young flower.

Double layer Hibiscus and the grasshopper

Who is hiding among the petals? The numerous petals of the flower certainly make a cool shade for the grasshopper after preying on the leaves.

Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnotus goiavier)

Ha, got you, shitting in public disregard of below, and dirty my garden!
This bird is often seen in and around the garden, often sing with a series of "chic" and "chweek" sounds.

Calliandra haematocephala and the Bee 

Despite the flowers were badly battered by the storm , the bee was seen busy at work the moment the rain stopped. Whatever bad things happened, life still had to go on.

Another Parking of Brownish yellow Dragonfly

Now, let's look at this position of parking, the wings are now extended beyond the head, changing the centre of gravity to the front. 
We can therefore deduce that the weight of the four thin wings together are probably comparable to the long tail!