Friday 31 October 2014

Brownish Green Grasshopper

The head looks like horse face, long but flatter. The eyes are big. How to get rid of these pests in my farms, too many of them, eating away a lot of the leaves!

Not Swallows, then what Birds?

What are these two black birds doing on the roof of the Swallow House?
Swallow has scissor tail, these birds do not have.
Are they preying on the swallows ? No, they are too small.
Are they feeling threatened, each one guarding at different directions? Yes, there is a hawk around, circling in the sky.
Are they starlings ? Do not look like, cannot see the red eyes, the feather does not seem glazed and greenish.

Bamboo Orchid (Arundina Graminfolia)

Along the trunk road from Sibu to Bintulu, there are plenty of these flowers standing out, swinging in the wind. 
Nice to watch them closely!

Sunday 26 October 2014

Little Houses on the Paddy Field

It looks nostalgia to stay in such houses perhaps,  if you have watched the show "Little house on the Prairie".
This house belongs to a Native, who is ready to plant the Paddy after burning and clearing off the field at Sarikei. May be the family is getting too big that three extra little houses have emerged around.

Greenish Body and Black head Fly

Last time I saw the fly's body was greenish and the head was golden. This fly, has a black head and again the tail has a number of standing hairs.

Sunsets at my Farm

It is certainly nice to climb up to the top of the hill and watch the sunsets at my farm, after the neighbour clear his land. 
Last time it was covered by tall trees.

3D Effect of Butterfly Wings

Nowadays, 3D Effects are shown on TV/Show/Computer screens. Look like the butterfly also follows the fashion. This butterfly has colourful tubular design on its wings, just look carefully, a series of pipes of different sizes are arranged on the outer edges of the wings!  There is no familiar look-like-eye spots on the wings.

Alien Landscape

There are unaccountable numbers of big and small circular objects and a pile of large irregular objects . What kind of landscape is this and who makes this and what for? You guess.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Dark Brown and Yellow Butterfly

This is another new variety of butterfly found at my farm. The unique feature is the bright yellow colour of the lower wings. The orange structural lines on the wings are also uncommon. 
the insect was quite playful and not afraid of me by dancing around my boots. My sweat probably attracted her!

The Wide wing White Butterfly

It flew past me and visited many plants but did not stop at any place. The wings are wide in proportion to the body.

It has also sharper shape compared to the white butterfly I have taken before. But it has the same dark shadows near the outer edge  of the wings. Are they the same variety?

Light Rusty brown Butterfly

You would not notice the insect if it does not open up the wings or move. It camouflages well among the fallen brown leaves and ground. This variety is also the first time being seen in my farm. Actually, the head looks more like a moth, but with only one pointed antenna.

The Old Man and the Dog

"Look like today we don't get enough to buy the lunch, how? Only twenty coins, kind people are few nowadays, don't even give one dollar !"
"Hee-hee-hee, never mind Ah beh, I think it is enough to buy a packet of chicken rice, you take the chicken and I take the bones. We can beg again tomorrow!"

Dark brown white spot Butterfly

Look like the beautiful creature is greeting somebody with its front limb. Hopefully, it is not the infamous war salute to get ready for war !

The Aftermaths and Consequences Due to Forest Fire


The flesh looks like pumelo and tastes like pumelo. For many, the shape and skin colour also looks like pumelo but much smaller. However, there are some fruits look like oranges, rounder. The skin is thinner like orange.
This fruit only appears not many years ago, look to me like a cross-breed but it may be DNA modified. It is quite sweet and delicious but is there any danger to take DNA modified fruit?

Friday 24 October 2014

Who Brought In the large Boulder on Tanjung Lobang Beach ?

The nearest hill is 300m away and the man-made jetty is 50m away. Can it be the strong Waves? 
We have no glacier like at the Swiss valleys, neither extreme temperatures like at the Dead Valley, to move the boulder!
Ha, human factor more likely!

Einstein General theory of Relativity on Gravity

Object distorts space-time and causes gravity.
This coconut distorts the sand beach too, but who is the culprit who shits at my model and complicate the theory?

My Ugly Dog

My ugly dog was knocked down by a car at noon 200m from the house. In fact I was repairing the car when I heard a car screeching and then a dog screamed, I was feeling bad and quickly went out to find the dog. I did see a Proton car at the junction stopping there and there was no dog around. I thought it might be some other dog at the highway and went back. It was an hour later, the dog came back limping with one of his eye balls hanging out. I was so shocked, and together with my maid, we took the dog to the nearest vet. He was hospitalised and the doctor said the eye would be permanently blind and the eye ball had to be removed. 
He is now in the vet hospital and I am poorer by at least RM500.
Hopefully, he will survive as I can see the impact was directly on the head. I don't know whether there is any concussion or not in the brain. I do not want to exhibit his horrible picture and want to remember him as this ugly dog, which is actually handsome.

Yellow (Golden) Banana

I still prefer to take banana than the mangosteen. This large yellow (Golden) banana is now commercially grown in Sarikei and export to many other countries.
Nice, sweet and filling, you just need to take one and can last for quite a few hours without taking other food!

Garcinia  mangostana (Mangosteen)

Another popular tropical fruit in Sarawak, you need to press hard and crack open the hard purple skin to expose the white meat to eat. Sweet and nice, some more the fruit juice is anti-oxidant! It is available in the market as xango juice.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Zea mays ( Maize)

The Natives like to grow maize to supplement their diets. I do not really like to take the maize because it is not easy to digest. 
Young time, my grand father also grew a lot. I remembered after  I took it, the next day as I squat on the open pit, I could see all the golden seeds passed out onto the white maggots den! The scene haunted me.

Big Dark Brown Unique Ant

The outstanding feature of this large ant is it has two sharp thorns at its thorax near the neck. I have not seen any ant having this additional weapon. But they are too close to the head, I am not sure how the ant use these two thorns to kill enemy! 
The ant is found near the fallen tree in my farm.

Celosia spicata

This erect and slender stem plant has not been seen for quite a while, sprang out near the Native house. The purplish pink and bushy flowers on terminal spikes stand out of the otherwise sparse plant.
I remembered during young time, we liked to play with these flowers to get out as many black seeds as possible!

Cinnamomum bejolghota

This aromatic plant at Sibu Lake Garden has beautiful and colourful leaves leaves drooping like short of water. The young leaves are reddish brown to yellowish red while the mature leaves are dark green.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

The view at the common boundary of adjacent Lands

It is on the top of the hill looking towards the South.
The right front belongs to a Chinese who builds a 10m high bird house, luring swallows to get expensive bird nests.
The right front belongs to a Native, who is clearing the land completely to plant oil palm. 
The left side belongs to me  who tries to minimise clearing and maintains its green.

Three lands, three owners and three different interesting sets of mind and with different purposes.

The blue band bumpy bee and Rhododendron Flower

Ha, I see you, are you playing hide and seek ?
Look in front, there is another competitor extracting the honey, are you going to knock him off? 
Human will do that, even kill!

Bee or Fly

The head and wings look like a fly but the lower part of the body looks like a bee, which bends down, is orangey and dark brown in colour. It flew into my car when I parked near the farm. I was worry getting stung by it. Last year I got stung by a bee, my face was swollen for a few days!

Bloody "Volcano" Forms in the middle of Branch

We always wonder how volcanoes form on edges of tectonic plates, perhaps, this picture gives you another idea how volcanoes form. The residue pressure inside the wood vessels pushes the bloody liquid out of the branch, becomes sticky fluid as it exposes to air, then the bottom pressurised liquid pushes up the fluid and forms "volcano" shape. As time passes, the volcano will harden. This volcano will not explode, it forms hill and mountain!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Bumpy Bee

This bee tried to rest on the nail of a wooden peg. 
What a comical face it has!

Bleeding Tree

The fallen tree near the camp has many branches and very large leaves. At first I was worry how to remove such big trees, but when I used the long knife and saw to cut, it seemed to be easy. The wood was actually quite soft, unlike most tropical wood. 
But the branches bled, not only from the central point but also from the bark, that really arose my interest. 
What is that fluid, why is it red and is there any medicinal value? Unfortunately, there is no laboratory to test the constituent and neither I can find the details of the tree from the book or internet yet.

White Transparent Termites

They look so cute and lovely, but they are destructive. They can destroy your wood structures within a short time. If you find these white ants in your wood structure, you have to get rid off as soon as possible!

Monday 20 October 2014

New Variety of Colourful Butterfly in my Farm

This butterfly suddenly appeared in front of me, then visited on the various lemon plants. 
The basic colour is brown but it has unique pattern on the wings, various yellow non-uniform  size spots throughout the wings. There is no eye-spot but near the tail, there is a pair of black/orange/yellow jet-like spot!

Little white Egret

Have you found your food? Just be careful, you are being watched and may become food of your predator!

Light Violet Petunia Flower

This creeping plant on the fence produces a very nice light violet flower. The white stamens look like another bout of flowers and the stigma appears hidden among the stamens. Folded lines on the petals become one of the flower unique features.

Long Trumpet Flowers

Many types of plants like to produce trumpet flowers, I don't know why.
Long trumpet imposes a lot of stress on the lower end of the flower joined to the plant stem, especially if  the flower aligns horizontally. It will easily break away by little external forces such as wind, rain, etc. Shorter trumpet would be able to survive longer and higher chance of being fertilised. Perhaps the long flowers look more attractive, especially with nice colours.

Sunday 19 October 2014

The Sun on 2nd October 2014

There is no much activity on this day, uniform and round, normal fusion processes, not much flare.

How to Create Cavity/Hole in the Ground

The white uPVC pipe is supposed to pass through the Concrete Drain so that all the effluent from the Septic tank flows into the drain. But this pipe cracked at the joint and after many years, the effluent eroded the soil surrounding the pipe, resulting a huge hole behind the drain. 
Such is the power of leaked water, often creates dangerous holes/cavities in the ground.