Friday 23 October 2015

Promotion of Haze Tourism

Our country needs more income to finance next year budget following the sharp drop of petroleum income. We have to support many people who work little but get very high pay (Of course compared to those developed countries, the high pay is insignificant). Best of all, some received kantow money, having money going secretly into their accounts beside receiving high salaries. Our government now encourages all foreign tourists especially those from rich countries, to come to enjoy the beautiful scenes in this part of the world. I am sure most of the foreign people have not seen such beautiful haze scenes which had lasted for almost two months. It is expected to be around until next year as the Governments concerned do not know how to stop the forest burning except talking hazily in the air.
Welcome to all the tourists who are not worried about the lungs being flooded with harmful pollutants or life being shortened, to have a look. 
You may be able to see how the orang utans and monkeys behave in the haze!
Don't forget to bring in plenty of CASH, multi-coloured CASH !  

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