Sunday 31 January 2016

My Forest Farm

As I focus on the new area, this part of the farm appears cleared and neat. But there are still too many fallen brown leaves, which have to be ignored.

On the hilly area, I had not been clearing for the last three months due to frequent travelling, the area is now full of vegetation. It is really hard to clear off the weeds in tropical climate!

Shall I use pesticides so that I do not need to worry about the weeds for the next three months, just like my adjacent neighbour?

The X-Moth

It shapes like a stealth fighter plane with an X sign at the back. It is actually very small, less than an inch, resting on a creeping plant leaf in my farm.
This is one of the most ugly moths I had encountered, but unique in its design. 
I always wonder why these insects evolve into such different patterns and colours. 

Sweet Bananas

I like this type of small bananas more than the big Cavendish Bananas (we call them Pisang Mas or golden bananas) available in most Western countries. They are sweet and easily digested. Just split the skin, the whole banana can be taken in one goal.

This bunch of bananas is slightly over-ripe and costs RM1.00 (US$ 0.25). 

It really filled my stomach in the farm the other day. Occasionally some sections were spoiled. But never mind, just threw away those parts, the healthy ones could still be taken. It you are not worry about the fruit fly larvae, you can swallow those parts too!

How to Get Rid of Liana Plant?

After a year of cutting the base of the Liana plant, the remains still hang on the tree. It takes time to clear off the remains as they circle round the tree branches. The remains rot with time and fell piece by piece on to the ground. That is why the local farmers like to use fire to burn everything in one goal, which we call shifting cultivation. They then plant the crops, and move away after a few years when they find the land is no more fertile.

Saturday 30 January 2016

Light Orange Mushroom on the ground

On the ground, the stem of this species is vertical and the round surface is perpendicular to the stem. This fungus looks more pleasing. But the surface is not of conical type. It appears to be sagging, as if ready to collect rain water. 

Compare to other species, the light orange variety seems to be very rare in my forest farm. 

Light Orange Mushroom inside the Dead Tree

They are small, but due to the light orange colour, they are outstanding among the dark brown background.

But are they responsive to the gravity or Sunlight? All their umbrellas are upright facing the sky, despite their stems perpendicular to tree trunk.

Beautiful Sunset

Though this month is a wet month, raining almost every day, but the evening at Sarikei  last Wednesday was marvellous!
Every time seeing this colourful sunset, my mood becomes well. 
In addition, a few 1973 classmates gathered for a dinner at Sarikei.

Stripped Alive By Nature

The tree in my farm was still healthy a year ago with thick growth of  branches and leaves. Its trunk was 400mm diameter and about 20m height. Today, it is still standing tall, but you can see the internal structure being eaten up by various agencies, leaving basically the bark.

The termites, the bees, the beetles, the birds, creeping plants and fungi were some of the culprits helping to strip the tree alive.

To survive in the tropical climate, the tree needs more defensive weapons to wear off such attacks. Why this tree lost such ability?

Saturday 23 January 2016

My Ugly Dog

"Hee-hee-hee, I am out again! 1.2m height fence is nothing to me, I am a high jumper!"

This dog is quite rebellious, told him not to come out from the kennel so that we can open up the gate and go out. But his desire to come out is so strong that, he would jump out of the kennel and sometimes hurt his legs.

So, now, I have to put a layer of steel mesh on top of his house to stop his dangerous stunt! Naughty Dog!

Asytasia Chelonides

This plant still survives in my garden, with it small purple flowers and funny shaped buds flourishing. 
To grow well, it has to be under the shed and occasionally exposed to sun.

Pagoda Flower (Clerodendrum Paniculatum)

This plant is quite often seen in the rural area in Sarawak and quite outstanding as there are nine storeys of flowers. Some rural folks cook the plant as vegetables, but most important it is used to treat insect bites as the juice is anti-inflammatory.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Not So round Sun?

I measured the equatorial diameter and polar diameter of the sun in this photograph, the former seemed to be 1% more than the later. 
It is likely optical delusion because in actual fact, the polar diameter is only 10km less than equatorial diameter of almost 696,342km.
Firstly, it rotates slowly, each round at 28 days. Secondly, it is not affected by gravities of other planets, too small and too far away to have much effect.

Optical Illusion of Bee Colour

As the bee flies under the sun, its waist band colour changes to bright orange colour.

Nectar Sucking Bee

It must be delicious! This bee with the light orange waist band grabs the powderpuff flower with its six legs and deeply submerged into the flower's centre, busily sucking the nectar. My presence is of no significant to it.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Round Round Moon

Planet Earth is not round, its diameter is greater than north-south direction,  because of its rapid circular motion.

But moon seems to be very circular. I measured the diameter and the north-south dimension of this photograph, it is the exactly the same. Isn't the moon also turned rapidly ? Or is it the roundness just an optical illusion?

Friday 15 January 2016

Periwinkle Flowers

Colours changes the view of the flowers. Just look at these two varieties and you will feel it. 

One is dark pink with white centre found in Kuala Lumpur. The other one is light pink with small yellow centre is in my garden at Kuching. Which one is more attractive?

Chinese New Year Is Coming!

Chinese New Year Festival falls on the February 8th & 9th this year, but the celebration mood could be felt since the first day of 2016. Just go to any shopping complex, sales and promotions are seen everywhere in Malaysia.

These pretty ladies and handsome men are promoting their CNY Song albums. Cheongsam will be the fashion for the Chinese ladies.

Why Healthy Tree Fell?

This is how the foundation of the tree looks like after it was blown down by strong wind in a typical tropical forest. The root system spreads horizontally rather than penetrates deep into the ground. That is why peat swamp contain a lot of such fallen trees as the foundation of the trees are shallow and the soils are soft.

Wedding Roses

How many roses are required for wedding purpose? 555 or 999, I wonder. Perhaps, there is a lucky number to consider.

These roses are big and beautiful, unlike the roses in my garden. I believe all these roses came from Cameron Highland or Genting highland, where the climate is cool. 

Water Lily

It is not common to find water lily plants in Kuching Parks or Gardens. Sarikei has one pond in Semankoi Park full of violet lily flowers. This pink lily is found in Stutong Forest Park but is not well maintained until there is hardly any water in the small pond.
The water lily plant is also not on sale in the market probably because it is muddy and watery to carry around. But recently I managed to get some small lily plants from my sister and planted into my former waging pool in the garden. 
It seems to be growing well.

Thursday 14 January 2016

The Beatles

The band was the only English Rock Band I knew during the 1960s, even in the rural Borneo. "Hey Jude" is still in my mind, although classical and piano musics attract me more nowadays.

This singer looks neither like Paul MacCartney, John Lennon, Harrison or Carr, but the hair-style and the way of singing still carry the Beatles's image. He was singing in the wedding dinner at Kuala Lumpur.

That is how Musicians and Music influenced the people of this planet, especially teenagers. 

Water Boatman (Gerridae)

This insect seems to have translucent legs resting on the brownish clear and stagnant water in the forest reserve. The body must be super light for it to stand on the water surface.

Isn't it to be more efficient to have flatter feet than these pointed feet ? No, it will be difficult to move with four flat feet.

Monkey Tribe

"Guys, can you stop fooling around and have serious discussion on our plan to take over the homo sapiens. They have enough fun on this planet already, killing each other and terrorise us. It is our turn now!"

Tuesday 12 January 2016

My Ugly Dog

Hei, naughty guy, what are are doing on my sand pile? There are so many places in the garden for you to shoot, why you have to pee here?

I am using this sand to make concrete for my extended kitchen floor, but this fellow adds undesirable acidic ingredient to the raw material. That was why I said earlier, good concrete was not easy to procure. 

Yellow or Orange Marigold?

Like magic, it turns orange in the shed, but bright yellow under the sun. 
I used to have a number of these flowers but had died few years back. It is refreshing to see these beautiful flowers again in Kuala Lumpur.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Lantana Mozelle's Wonders

These light pink flowers constantly attract all different types of insects, ants, wasps, bees and butterflies. 
The flower buds are like green beads assembled together. The moment they are ripe, the flowers will open up with a few yellow flowers in the middle surrounded by mainly pink flowers, commanded and instructed by the plant DNA.
The scent of the broken stems is nice and you will like to smell more.

Not that Beautiful Roses

Obviously, these roses are not that beautiful. The petals are wrinkling or irregular.

Nowadays, it is hard to find any pretty rose in my garden. But I am planting many rose plants in the farm last month. Hopefully, there will be some to watch in the coming months.

Lemon is Fruiting!

It is just only "three" months old, less than 600mm tall and less than 30 leaves, but it is fruiting now. Thanks to marcotting, grafting or budding methods, maturity period of most fruit trees can be shortened. But obviously this plant is too "young" to bear many fruits.

I bought quite a number of lemon plants from Sarikei Market at US2 each a few months back and re-planted into my farm. So far only two plants had produced one fruit each, this oval lemon and the other long lemon. I like lemon plants because they can be made into pungent drinks and also emit nice smell. These fruits are now expensive to buy from market, costing US2-3 per kilogram.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Fallen Trees

Fallen tree is quite a common phenomenon in the tropical forest especially on the hill slopes and on the peat swamp. I had seen at least ten tall trees fallen in my Farm alone, especially after heavy storms and strong winds. I also saw many trees fell in the peat swamp with the shallow roots exposed. Most of these trees had shallow roots spreading like a table, which could not stand strong wind. Only the deep root type and/or firm soil with stable conditions (no erosion), the trees will be more lasting.
On water-logged lowland areas, these fallen trees tend to form peat swarm as water slowed the decomposition. That is why most of the Sarawak lowland areas are covered with thick peat.

Dreamy Tropical Green

I like this type of multi-layers green on the Borneo Trunk Road, it seems in the dream.
Nearest is the bright green, that is the rice field. To the left is the whitish green, this is the wild grass field. Next layer is the deep green trees which are tall tropical trees. Far away is the mountain forest which is typical bluish green. 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Another Temporary Shed Gone

As I mentioned earlier, this China-made shed would not last more than six months. Shed No 2 in my farm collapsed during the last month's storm. 

But I managed to set out a new one within one hour.

Let's see how long will this one lasted.

Native Caladium and  Caladium bi-color

Natural evolved Caladium Plant is not as colourful as human modified species. It is amazing that humans can interfere nature to get the best colour out of it. From just the dotted pink, humans can change the greenish veins into pinkish veins. 
Soon, humans can change themselves to super-men by ballooning the best values whether brains or health or eternal life, replacing the ordinary men and this will mark the end of homo-sapiens history, but a new chapter of super-human race. 

Monday 4 January 2016

Reddish Landscape

Which plants has a better tropical reddish appearance? Ixora or the Mussaenda philippica?


"Snaky Plant"

I do not like the sight of this plant, it is too ugly, like a snake circling a victim. I did not cut down the plant because it is so unique. It is right in the middle of my Farm.
This creeping plant has a rough bark or is it something growing on the bark? It anchors deeply into the host plant, almost merging into it and perhaps one day becomes part of the host plant.

Effect of Climate Change or Haze to Delonix Regia

I waited for the flowers to come out, September, October, November, December, and now is 2016. No flower.
The tree at my backyard began to flower three years ago, October during first year (2013) and September during 2014 and last year, it just stopped flowering.

See, no red, just GREEN.

Sunday 3 January 2016


You won't believe that bamboo is a type of grass, it looks so woody.
It is the fastest growth plant in the world and can reach 2.5m in 24 hours for certain tropical species.

Its usefulness is so wide. The bamboo shoots are popular food among local people which can be easily plucked among the bamboo forest. The 75mm-100mm diameter bamboos are sometimes used as construction materials, such as bamboo buildings or for road construction on peat swamps. The natives often use the bamboo to make baskets, chairs and other furnitures.

Saturday 2 January 2016

Act of Balancing for Peacock Pansy

All living things seem to know how to balance themselves when standing on a slender structure. 
This beautiful butterfly stretches its wings to achieve a more stable centre of gravity for its body. 
For humans, they stretch their arms or carry a long rod, when walking on the rope.
Is it inborn instinct or learned techniques?

Green Green Grass

I like the view of this clean green green grass in the wind, it gives me peaceful mind. I saw in London, the British seemed to like vast green green lawns, giving them places to relax, pleasing view and healthier mind.

Humans just could not progress on this Planet Earth if there was no grass plants evolving at all. We depend too much on the grass species. 

We eat rice, bread (wheat), barley and corns. We also eat beef, mutton, chicken which feed upon grass and corns.We drink milk from cows and goats. We also drink beer, whisky and vodka, made from certain grasses. We can also make fuel, paper, fertilizers, clothes, shelters and baskets, all because of grasses.

Do you aware of the importance of the grasses to this world? I guess not, everything is taken for granted.

But, often I disliked grasses, when they grew uncontrollably in my gardens and farm.

Flat Head Catfish

This large fish, about 450mm long,  met its demise in the Friendship Park Lake and floated on the surface. The Park's cleaner collected the body and left at the lake side to be dumped, attracting handful of flies.

The Park was built ten years old, so this catfish is likely to be ten years old too. Catfish can attain a maximum life of 24 years and 1.5m length. So why this fish died at middle age ? Lack of oxygen or due to angler's hook?

When I was young, I followed my young uncle and cousins to catch fish in the streams. Catfish were often got hooked but most of the time less than 300mm long. The whiskers were the obvious characteristics. But back then I did not like to eat fish.