Sunday 20 November 2016

Liana World

Just look at this thick growth of plants criss-crossing my path on my forest land, my legs weaken. 
Well, in tropical region, just have to be patient if I want to extend my fruit farm acreage.
How I wish to have grassland not taller than one foot!

The lazy dark brown Butterfly

Unlike other types of butterfly which are scared of humans, this large butterfly seems passive and does not like to move. It hangs on the plant upside down like bat. It appears during this time every year. 
Don't know it migrated from where.


Two mangoes on the ground, fruiting season.

But no need to be happy, the two mangoes are likely infested with black bugs! When the mango tree is too old and there are few fruits, humans will be the last to enjoy it!

Saturday 19 November 2016

Bald Head Pigeon

"Coo-coo, you better take off your black and white collar, it does not seem to match your body! Why you look so stunned? Not happy with my comment? It is for your own good. When you look good and cute, people will automatically give you food, just like those beauties. It is survival!"

Red Bougainvillea

Day after day, year after year, this plant seems to give lasting red "flowers" at my old home. But they are not flowers but bracts, the actual flowers are too small to attract butterflies or bees around.

Thursday 17 November 2016

How to Grow More Pineapples From one Fruit

Pineapples are normally grown from the crown cut from the pineapple fruit. But that will be one plant per fruit, too few to most people expectations. 

Commercially, suckers at the base are cultivated, but I do not find any sucker at the base, perhaps not old enough.

So I cut the multi-layered crown horizontally into few pieces and planted.

It seemed to work, two suckers were seen coming out from the side of this layer. The others did not seem to grow well.

Next Phase of Evolution of Dogs

"It is time for us to unite to protect our interests. Humans have been exploiting us for too long. So, inform all the dogs on this Earth to join us to form a political party called "The United Dogs Organisation, Earth, TUDOE! We will fight for equal rights! Wow!Wow! Wow! "

The Yellow Worm

It crawled from the forest floor onto my shoe and wriggled the body around vertically. You will not notice if your eyes are not sharp because it is less than 38mm long and about 3mm diameter. I have to use a small twig to push it back to the ground. It moved fast from one place to another place despite there were so many dropping leaves.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Jack Fruit Tree

The wild tree is producing tens of jack fruits again. Let see how many will survive. Last year, I managed to taste one jack fruit only after covering up with a plastic bag. 

There seemed to be squirrels around. I saw one fruit lying on the forest floor 10m away from the tree, almost fully eaten.

Noisy Dog

This is one of the noisiest dog I ever seen. He could bark at any person or me until my senses revolt. So I have to bribe him by giving him a piece of biscuit every time I saw him.

Ummm, this really quietens him down.

Often, corruption is still the most effective way to get things done as we have many humans like this noisy dog.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Sugar Cane

Cost of sugar has gone up from RM 0.52 per pound at September 2015 to RM 0.90 per pound at September 2016 this year.

Look like I have to grow sugar cane and process my own sugar. 

But it was not only sugar that increased its price, the fuel also went up by RM0.15 from RM 1.75 to RM 1.90 on 1st November 2016. Shall I also go to make bio fuels?

In this country, it seemed that when the economy was good, the goods inflated. When the economy was no good, everything inflated even faster! 

The retirees will have a hard time in the future as we depend meagre saving to survive and large inflation is our greatest enemy. Who are the culprits behind ?
Bidens Pilosa

Very small flowers but are commonly found at abandoned gardens and sometimes even road sides. The plants can survive for years without being looking after, like at the backyard of my old home. The flowers attract a number of insects, from ants to bees, apparently containing a lot of honey.

Monday 7 November 2016

Lemon Emigrant Butterfly

Uh---uh, what are you sucking on the old dry leaf? 
Don't be misled by the colour of the object! 
Other senses such as smell and feel are important too!

Probably, the butterfly has mistaken the yellow colour to be that of the ripen lemon.

Weird Violet Plant

In my forest farm, I often found some weird plants which I could not identify or encountered before. 
The plant with violet leaves is one of them.

Most plants need the green chlorophyll to process photosynthesis, but with the violet leaves, I am not sure how is it going to make carbohydrates and oxygen out of the nutrients, carbon dioxide and water. But the plant grew quite fast and the leaves are quite large. How did it do it?

Sunday 6 November 2016

Star Fruit Flowers

As year end approaches, it is the beginning of the fruiting season in Sarikei. Flowers and fruits can be seen on many fruit trees.

Star fruit tree at my old home is also flowering. These flowers are small but numerous, attracting a lot of wasps too.

One fruit was too ripe and dropped on the ground, to be consumed by fruit flies and other worms.