Tuesday 8 November 2016

Sugar Cane

Cost of sugar has gone up from RM 0.52 per pound at September 2015 to RM 0.90 per pound at September 2016 this year.

Look like I have to grow sugar cane and process my own sugar. 

But it was not only sugar that increased its price, the fuel also went up by RM0.15 from RM 1.75 to RM 1.90 on 1st November 2016. Shall I also go to make bio fuels?

In this country, it seemed that when the economy was good, the goods inflated. When the economy was no good, everything inflated even faster! 

The retirees will have a hard time in the future as we depend meagre saving to survive and large inflation is our greatest enemy. Who are the culprits behind ?

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