Saturday 7 December 2013

How to eat Pumelo (part 2)

After getting rid of the white thick spongy skin, the feast begins. The fruit is divided into many compartments, each protected by another layer of thin skin, and can be easily separated by hands. It is just like the orange, except that there is no compartment skin in orange. It tasted, "Ah", this one is quite nice, not too sweet, little bit of sour and juicy. Some of them can be slightly bitter. I was told that if certain fertilisers were applied, then it could taste very nice. Oh, I think this is about the hereditary and as I do not want to use any chemicals, be natural.
The white spongy skin can be used to rub against the face and the skin, well, soothing ! By boiling the spongy skin with water, Chinese physician had used this to treat prostate cancer (not sure how effective)!

DONE, Wah, NICE !!!!  It is always nice to eat your own planted fruits, no chemical, no pesticide. Just make sure that the seed or fruit tree you bought is of good quality because once you plant, it will take many years before the fruits come out. If sour or bitter type is planted, for the rest of the plant life you have to take the sour and bitter fruits too !

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