Saturday 30 May 2015

Red Grass (Altemanthera sessilis)

It is a traditional herb. I was told that it can treat kidney, stomach problems and counter-acts poisoning. It can also has cooling effect on the body as well as helping to ease urinating by just boiling with honey or sugar. The end product is reddish drink. Want to try? 

Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis)

There are plenty of these birds in Kuching City, alleys behind the shop houses where the rubbish bins are located and in the garden parks. They look ugly but when they fly, the black and white wings strike out. What is their most favourite food? Leftovers from humans? seeds? perhaps, still the red earthworms!

Canna Lily ( Canna indica)

Like sunshine, this variety of flower really brightens me up!
Even the ant likes the orangey red colour as it wanders on the petals. Do ants actually recognise colours?

Pink Zephyr Flower

This flower had closed up, but I opened it up before taking the picture. 
It is one of the few remaining plants in the Friendship Garden. 
Even it is still living and but there is no spirit. It cannot fight with the short time allocated by Nature.

Friday 29 May 2015

Beautiful and Colourful Coins

Anyone can guess how to get this colourful coins on this picture?

Night Fall at Sarawak River

You cannot see the stilt houses on the opposite river bank. The surrounding has become dark, the trees have turned black. Only twinkling lights enable you to know that there are people staying there. 
The water is flowing, the remaining lights bring its one way flow to your attention. Occasionally, the boat and the wind add to the wavy motions.
But the sky is still bright, with many colours trying to hang on as long as possible, awaiting for your praise, yellow, golden yellow, orange, light grey, dark grey, pink, but where are the red, green and blue? 
Another beautiful night, Sarawak River on the Eastern Borneo, flowing towards the South China Sea.

Brownish Red Dragonfly

It appears rusty and run-down. Old age is the only explanation. The colour changes from bright red to this dark red too. 
This is one of the most common dragonflies in my garden.

Zephyr Flowers

This is what I mean nice view, when a large area is grown with these white flowers and green leaves.
This variety is slightly different from my garden variety. The flowers are larger and flower buds pinkish. There is another variety with pink flowers. I like both types. May be one day I will try to plant a large area in my farm. 
In the past I used to see many newly married couples sitting on the plants to take their photographs. It shows that flowers are attractive.

Happy Dog

"Ha-ha-ha, this is fair world, you must know how to live. Don't work hard, just pretend. If the thieves came, just hide and when they go away, then just come out quickly and pretend to bark loudly. That is the way to survive in this world. Don't talk about principles, these humans like to be pampered, just do a few tricks, pretend to be loyal, appear pitiful, wag your tails, lip their hands, follow whatever these dump fellows want us to do, they will give you a lot of food. See, that is how I get fat!"

Unfair World and Miserable World

"This world is so unfair. I guarded my master's house over ten years diligently and loyally, now I am old and hurt my leg, I was driven out of the house."Said the brown Dog miserably and sadly as she limped away.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Bush Clock Vine (Thurmbergia erecta)

At right soil and weather, this plant can last very long and produces many flowers throughout the year.
It is growing in my Farm among the tall grasses but seems to be lying too low on the floor. 

Pride of barbardos (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)

This evergreen shrub can grow up to 5m high and blooms whole year. The flowers are unique with very long and thin stamens compared to the small flower size. The buds are especially outstanding.

Bird's Nest Fern (Aaplenium australasicum)

Normally, it grows well high up on the tree, perhaps 4 to 5m above ground. But this one flourishes at about 2m from the ground. 
This plant is rather common at the unexplored part of my Farm.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Apparent Fire storm in the Sky

Like burning fire, this sunset light reflection is not often encountered.

Zephyr Flowers

It is now the season again for the flowers to stand out of the low green leaves again, be in my garden or the Friendship Park. 
Nice view just like the Turnip flowers in Holland, except that the flowers are smaller, creamy and yellow  in colour.

Butterfly Plant 2

This is another plant which butterflies like to stay on. There are plenty in my farm,. I pulled out when they sprouted out near the oranges and lemon trees because there are larvae living on the plants. The plants seemed to help them by extending the branches to the trees and my poor fruit trees were stripped off all the leaves! Sometimes,I just wondered whether the plant and the butterflies/larvae could communicate to each other or not.

Brown Uraniid Moth

It refuses to move even I stand so near to look at it on the hibiscus plant in my garden. A few days ago I saw one lying on the footpath, it also refused to fly. I caught it and hid it in the plant. I was sure that some body passed by, he might intentionally stepped on it and it would become pancake like I saw a month ago.
But why the moths suddenly became inactive and suicidal?

Detailed Underside of  Yellow-vented Bulbul

Very seldom you can see the underside details of the bird.
It has dirty white body with faint brown streaking on the breast, belly and flanks. It is vent bright yellow at the lower body, likely the place it shits and reproduces. The underside of the wings is light brown with dark brown streaks.

Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier)

These birds normally stay high on the trees, cable lines or high structures. For them to walk on the grassland, they must be very hungry. But they are very cautious, constantly watching for danger. These birds are very common in Kuching Friendship Park and in my garden.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Wind Bells

This is a small Chinese styled Rest Shed in the Friendship Park. Sometimes, I would rest on the bench after exercise and enjoy the scenery as it is near to the green lake. But it is the wind bells which attract me most. Every time the bells ring, I know that the wind is around, I can feel the cooling or warming breeze blowing on my face. I like that, pleasing and relaxing.

A Fell Tree- Dead or Not

I cut down this tree a year ago using a hand saw. This is what it looked like now.  Based on the cross-sectional appearance, it looks like the three has aged with wrinkles but the remaining broken edge seems to be quite fresh. Is it dead?
Where are the rings which indicate its age, it seems to disappear. The diameter of this tree is about 250mm, perhaps about ten years old, then there should be ten rings, but I could only find radial wrinkles!

The Grasshopper and the Pseuderanthemum reticulalum Leaves

"The leaves look so nice and fleshy, why I just have not appetite to eat?" exclaimed the grasshopper.

Well, certain plants have natural defensive chemicals to stop the pests from harming them. This Pseuderanthemum reticulalum plant is one on them. 
The poor grasshopper landed on the wrong leaves, it can only smell only.

Monday 25 May 2015

Great Eggfly (hypolinas bolina bolina) Butterfly

This butterfly is one of the most common butterflies in Sarawak, perhaps in Malaysia too. You can find it almost everywhere, be in the city, countryside or jungle. Its white marks on the wings seem to glow with blue light under the shade.
It was resting on the wall at my back garden.

Chocolate Pansy (Junionia hedonia ida) Butterfly

I often saw this type of butterfly flying around my garden, from flower to flower, plant to plant. Occasionally, it would rest on the floor, opening up the wings and performed sun bathing. 
This butterfly is still young, I can conclude from the perfect wing conditions. Older butterflies tend to have broken or damaged or faded wings.

Autumn Leaf (Doleschallia bisaltide bisaltide) Butterfly

I did not know where did it come from, it was the first time I saw this variety. Perhaps, there are many more in my Farm, waiting for me to find out and record it. It might have lived here for centuries or even thousands of years.
What a name, whether common name or scientific name. It has a rustic look, just like the tiles used for landscaping, very unique. I believe it was originally brown, but mutation and environment 
introduced the whitish patches, marks and dots.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Butterfly Plant

I haven't found its name, but wherever it grows, there are bound to have a number of butterflies at certain time.
I found this plant at Kuching, Sarikei and Miri. It has unique pungent scent, and also plenty of small white flowers. 


Moonlight is just a reflection of the sunlight and hence have seven distinct colours. When playing around with the two distinct colours of red and green on the moon photos, that is using different electromagnetic waves, larger area of suspended particulates/vapours are exhibited.
Red has a higher wavelength  while green is somewhere at the middle of the visible spectrum.  

Transparent wing Dragonflies

These two dragonflies are likely from the same variety, same shape and same design of transparent wings. The main difference is the colour of the body, one is brown/golden, the other one is lighter with light yellow and black broken lines on the lower body. There are plenty of them in my garden, perhaps due to plentiful of mosquitoes around which they prey on.

Malaysian Bayan (Ficus Microbarpa)

It must be the bird's droppings which ended up having this tree growing wild behind the fence of my house. At it grew, the roots not only went deep into the ground (hopefully), it also spread on the surface in every direction. The tree itself has many air roots hanging from the branches. My grass cutter fears of this tree, he asks me to cut down before it grows too big. He also said ghosts like to hang around the tree as it grows bigger. Do you believe it? Foochow people in fact has long association with this tree and another name for Foochow city is this tree city. I am not sure why. My grand parents and parents never told me the story.
Sure I cut down the tree ? I am more concern with the safety of it falling onto the highway if there is a strong wind. It is now about 10m high and its trunk is 340mm. But this tree helps to absorb the dust and noise from the highway.

Ixora Buds

The buds are red, long and conical. The tiny stems of the flower inflorescence are red. Nature produces many forms of buds, some round,  and many others conical. Why choosing that shape is mystical but obviously the brown ants find this shape convenient to explore. Why the fully blown flowers do not seen to have ants while these buds attract so many?

Yellow Poinciana ( Peltoporum pterocarpum)

These are the plants quite commonly grown in the Kuching Parks. At this time, it produces flamboyant yellow flowers. These flowers come out from the terminals of the branches and appear awesome. 

Friday 22 May 2015

Bottle Brush Flowers

Needs to brush your bottles? These flowers are really like bottle brushes, but you cannot use them. The nectar will drop everywhere. The flowers are very red too!

Orange and black Sun-bird

This bird has unique bright colours, deep orange at the back covered by black wings, and yellowish orange at the lower side. Its target is the bottle brush flowers, full of nectar.

Jungle Flame (Ixora App)

While Ixora plants in the Friendship Park appear rusty and unsightly, the plant outside the Park near a terrace house and drain is simply superb red. The leaves are so green. Why so much different? I do not think there is any fertilizer being applied for this plant!

Thursday 21 May 2015

Light Brown Grasshopper

At least this grasshopper does not look terribly ugly!
From its "muscular" hind legs, it seems to use more hopping  than the wings. 
Then, how on earth this fellow measures the distance  and accurately jumps from one leaf to another? 
Do the eyes have laser beam detectors to estimate the distance?

False Bird of Paradise (Heliconia humilis)

Unlike in my garden for which the flowers in the Friendship Park are orange or red, these flowers are pink,orange and creamy.

Magnificent White Moth

Waoh, UFO! It seems to be hanging in the air, displaying its beautiful wings! 
Where is the head and where is its tail?

False Heather (culphea hyssopifola)

The leaves and flowers are so small that it is not easy to take clear pictures. This picture seems to be quite clear, dozens of minute dark pink trumpet flowers. The leaves are dark green, obviate shaped and even-Pinnately compound. A pair of flowers are generally growing out of the terminal of a stem of leaflets.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Bleeding Heart (Clerodendrum thomsoniae)

This plant has made its way into my Farm and flowering. This variety is slightly different from the common bleeding heart plants that flourish in my garden. It has pure white, bell shaped calyxes with clusters of deep crimson flowers.
But its survival is worrying, the grasshoppers seem to like the leaves as well as the flowers, holes everywhere.

Philippine Violets

This plant seems to produces dozens of flowers everyday, non-stop. They open up in the morning and drop in the evening. Where does the plant get so much energy to make these beautiful flowers?

Anthurium andraenum

Normally, the spathe is pink in colour, but this one is light greenish yellow with pink lines. The spadix is green instead of pink, but looks young and glossy.
Ageing, is the process every living thing on this earth has to go through!

Monday 18 May 2015

Butterfly flight

On your mark, get set, FLY!  It does not even need a runway and so fast disappears. How does it manage that?
Aeronautical engineers really has to learn much from these creatures.

White Moth

This moth is more practical, hiding directly underneath the leaf as it does not light bright sunlight. I can imagine that if I put on a dim light at night in my farm, there will be hundreds of these creatures coming by. That was what we sometimes did during the young time, counting all types of insects.

Violet Moth

Its colour is unique and rests on a leaf beneath the tree shed in my farm. It is small too but it stretches its wings to make it look big, perhaps for drying. May be it is a butterfly, sometimes quite confusing. But it is ageing, the wings show signs of deterioration, tear and wear.

Desert Flower (Adenium Obesum)

This plant blossoms almost all the time, but after I transferred from the brick bed to a plastic basin, it had not been flowering for the last six months. The plant is almost fourteen years old.
Now, it is flowering again!

Asytasia Chelonoides

These flowers are getting less in the garden, but in the dark corner, the flowers brighten up that corner. 
Although small, they are beautiful.