Sunday 24 May 2015

Malaysian Bayan (Ficus Microbarpa)

It must be the bird's droppings which ended up having this tree growing wild behind the fence of my house. At it grew, the roots not only went deep into the ground (hopefully), it also spread on the surface in every direction. The tree itself has many air roots hanging from the branches. My grass cutter fears of this tree, he asks me to cut down before it grows too big. He also said ghosts like to hang around the tree as it grows bigger. Do you believe it? Foochow people in fact has long association with this tree and another name for Foochow city is this tree city. I am not sure why. My grand parents and parents never told me the story.
Sure I cut down the tree ? I am more concern with the safety of it falling onto the highway if there is a strong wind. It is now about 10m high and its trunk is 340mm. But this tree helps to absorb the dust and noise from the highway.

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