Saturday 25 July 2015

Stealth Plant

Look like has to say goodbye to this plant, could not stand this month's drought and weather, extinct from my garden.

Past Glory

My Dog's 4-legged Kick

Do not be mistaken only the humans(Bruce Lee and Jacky Chan) could come out with the fatal kungfu kicks. My dog also developed his dogfu kicks, not necessay inferior to the Bruce lee's 3-legged kicks. In fact, 4-legged kicks!!!

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Bouganvillea Flowers

Most flowers are colourful, big and outstanding to attract insects to help pollination. But Bouganvilla flowers are just opposite, the flowers are small and obscuring, but the leaves are colourful and attractive. Despite the oddity, the plants survive well.

Life is also like that, you do not need to follow what are people are doing, just follow your instinct and interests, life can be interesting as well.

Laughing Face Flowers (Wishbone)

When there are so many flowers laughing at the same time, the world must be very cordial and conducive for them to live, isn't it? 
But what about humans, the so-called intellectual beings on Earth?

Monday 20 July 2015

Odd Shaped White Rose

Change of DNA or sunlight intensity ?
This rose is obviously odd, cannot see the love from there, but weirdness and coldness.

Japanease Slipper Plant (Euphorbia titihymaloides)

They look more like the lower parts of the mannequins than the slippers, chaotically lying all over the plant. Hard to understand why the flowers evolve into such shapes!

Sunday 19 July 2015

Yellow Creeping Daisy (Wedelia trilobata)

This plant is currently extinct from my garden, but I saw many popping out wildly at the sides of the earth drain near the Sarikei Bus Station.

Light Pink Periwinkle Flowers

This only variety Periwinkle plant was growing heathily in the garden until last week, when a strong wind uprooted the plant. I transferred the plant to another pot and shifted to other shaded area. Hopefully it can survive. Less and less flowering plants are surviving in my neglected garden as I put more efforts in my farm.

Yellow Holy Rose (Turnera ulmifolia)

If you want these flowers to stand out in the garden, you have to plant many pots at the same time and the same place. 

Greenish Yellow Crown of Thorns Flowers

When the flowers are just opening up, they look so fresh and greenish yellow, unlike the rusty light reddish look when they mature. 

Saturday 18 July 2015

Tyres and Long Distance Drive

Check out your tyres before proceeding to long distance drive! 
The other day I drove from Kuching to Miri (about 1000km) and when I came back from Miri, after travelliing 150km (50km from Bintulu), one of the tyres exploded (too hot and the tyres were 3 years old). This was what it looked like after I stopped.

I did not lose control but the vehicle suddenly was unbalanced and making a lot of frictional noise.
Luckily, the spare tyre was working (often, the apare tyre does not have enough air), but one of the bolt screws was not being able to take out because the mechanic did not screw back properly after changing the tyre. He did not screw back according to the threads, but forced screwed by using pneumatic screw tightener. So I had a hard time taken this screw out and finally when it was taken out, the threads of the bolt were gone. I managed to screw back the other five screws and travelled to Bintulu to change a pair of tyres and the bolt screw.
More than two hours were wasted ! 
Luckily it was during the day time, sometimes I travelled at night.

Sui mei (wrightia religiosa)

Like hanging pendulums, these small fragrant flowers/buds are are all pointing downwards.  Why are they shying away from the sun? Which insects will not mind to pollinate the flowers by turning upside down?

Heliconia spp.

While other plants have reddish orange flowers, why you are the only one having red/yellow colour?

Because I purposely planted one different variety into the group of orange variety, and wanted to see any other special mixed colour would be produced!
So far, none.
Yellow Canna Lily (Canna indica)

Canna lily flowers only last a few days, after that its beauty fades, flowers just droop and the leaves turn brown. You many have to cut off the whole stem to allow for the new plant, new stem, new leaves and new flowers. They are quite troublesome plants which need a lot of maintenance. But at its peak, the flowers are gorgeous. 

Thursday 16 July 2015

Forest Bathing

According to Stanford University's research, if you walk through the forest for 90 minutes, the brain activity linking to the mental illness will cut down tremendoulsy. University of Sheffield  also recommends to bring nature to the backyard to improve mental healths.
I can certainly testify that after two years of regularly walking through my forest farm, I feel much happier and positive. It not only improves my physical health but also my mental health. 
Welcome to walk through the forest in Sarawak!

Vampire Bat

The moment the fruit season comes, there will be plenty of bats coming at night to eat the fruits on the trees. Sometimes, you can see them flying in group high in the sky during sunset, but to see them clearly is not a pleasant experience, because they look like vampires. At night you can see their scary sparkling eyes in the dark!
This one is dead on the floor, don't know why, probably fruit poisoning!

Poor Cattle

You are hereby sentenced to death because humans need to eat you. 
You help humans to cultivate the farm under the hot sun, you help humans to transport materials to and fro, you provide milk for humans to consume and finally you provide yourself to keep humans well fed.
Who else qualifies to go to heaven ? 
The heaven must be full of cattle.

Why is there no crater on the focus terrain on Pluto?

It is interesting to see mountains and flat plain on the latest photograph with no impact crater on the Pluto's surface. According to the NASA scientists' explanation, it is probably of recent geological formation perhaps less than 100 million years and perhaps it is still geologically active.

I was thinking that, since Pluto is so cold (about -230degC), any impact by icy asteroid will create great heat, melt the asteroid and the surrounding impact area, resulting in liquid water, liquid methane, etc, which would immediately submerge any crater formed. As the atmosphere is so cold, the liquid will turn into ice soon and the surface would be covered up again, leaving no trace of crater. 

Couldn't it happen?

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milli)

There are quite a number of colour varieties, but this variety has the reddest flowers.

Duranta Repens Flowers

The flowers of the shrub are bluish violet in colour and during blooming, is quite a scene.

Pigeon Berry (Duranta repens)

No wonder there are so many pigeons in my garden, strolling leisurely on the ground without fear and restraint. I do not even need to give them food, as the berries are sufficient to feed them. Certainly look delicious!

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Beautiful Sunset at Miri Beach

Sometimes, you do catch splendid view of the sunset like this one, the dark beach, the dancing cloud, the blurred golden sun and the reflecting sea!

Flesh Flower for Appreciation

Well, in the early morning and probably after night rain, this double layer hibiscus flower looks so flesh and lovely. Want to buy?
Not for Sale, but for appreciation by flower lovers!

Red Powderpuff (calliandra haematocephala)

This plant is even redder when hundreds of the flowers bloom.

Turk Cap (Malvaviscous arboreus)

It can be so red when plenty of them come out at one time! 

Goodbye Pink Pigs

This is the last day for all of you to live in this world, you are on the way to be executed. Who asks you to eat so much and becomes so fat that the humans find you appetiting? You will be converted to food and become part of the humans! Your souls will go to heaven for helping humans to live.
Goodbye, don't cry (my grandfather told me that the pig cries when he realises that he is going to be killed),  this is your ultimate fate. Humans have experienced this fate before and is still experiencing, not for food but of hatred and greeds.

Monday 13 July 2015

The Pink Rose

The pattern is nice but the colour is not outstanding. Nevertheless, it still contributed to the diversity of flowers in my garden. 

Very White Rose

Although the pattern is not pretty but the colour is so white, lovely snow white! 
Other than the stamens, you can't find a dirty dot on the petals.

Sunday 12 July 2015

Kite bird

The curvy beak and the strong/gripping feets resemble the eagle. But what is she doing alone at the countryside road side?  Searching for rodents?

Grumpy Lion Dog

She has such a grumpy face, what is she not happy about?

Little Sleeping Rat

Rat is one of the greatest enemies of humans as it can spread plague and leptospirosis. 
But when you see a cute baby rat sleeping at a corner in the garden, will you want to destroy it?

Red Baberton Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

It is still surviving in my Farm at the hilltop, though the ground is so dry now, thanks to a big tree shading the plants.  How many petals are there on this flower? 

Very Red Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Occasionally, this plant still flowers, although rare. This very red colour brightens up my garden.

Lucky Bean (Thevetia peruviana)

There are not many flowers around, each flower is outstanding in its pure yellowness and trumpeting shape. The narrow leaves are plenty on the multi-stems and dense in the crown. It is seen at Serian Lake Garden.

Friday 10 July 2015

Yellowish/brown Grasshopper

Umm, I see you, eyeing on my miracle fruit. 
Watch out your back!

Desert Flower (Adenium obesum)

The plants can withstand strong heat and drought. Nice flowers often open up during this weather. The leaves also appear dark green and healthy, unlike other plants, the leaves turn yellow during hot weather.

Mussaenda erythrophylla

This shrub can reach 9m high with large red bracts and small yellow flowers. The flower buds are hairy and red too. It is grown at the Serian Lake Garden.

Snail Shell

At first I thought that this was sea shell, I was wondering why it existed in my hilly farm. 
Then, I remembered snail also had shell. 
This is likely a large and strong snail shell. It is white and hard.

Blue Insect

The tree was dead, leaving only the dead rotten trunk standing. Then, I saw this blue insect flying into the crevice of the tree trunk. I saw a nest too and the blue insect, trying to climb into the nest.
Quite an eminent blue insect, but I do not know what this insect is. Sometimes, I did think of emulating Charles Darwin or Alfred Russel Wallace to catch all these insects, studied and made samples out of them. But, I do not like killing all these creatures, which I feel have the right to live too.

Holes in the Ground

Suddenly, many holes appeared on the ground in my farm a month ago which I cleared some time last year. What aliens made these types of holes?  Well, I have not investigated yet, you guess?

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Twinkling Stars Becoming Loops/Strings

After an hour, I took a picture of the very bright twinking stars in the clear sky. 
Unfortunately, my hands were not steady enough, the picture showed two loops. Perhaps, the heaven tried to tell me that in nature, everything can be explained by loops/strings theory.

Scenic Countryside Night View

Not only the moon was bright and yellowish, the night view of this countryside scene was beautiful and serene.

Is this a Setting Sun or A Moon?

It had been not raining for a month in Sarikei, even the rising moon looked like a sun, bright and yellowish. It was 7.15pm no far from my farm.