Monday 2 November 2015

Clear Sky and Butterflies

The haze just disappeared three days ago and rain started to fall in Kuching.  It was due to the wind turning east. So the Kalimantan Smoke is now blown away from Sarawak to other places. Sarawak people are happy to  breathe in fresh air again. It is a great relief but I feel sorry for other people. 
What to do, an Indonesia high Officer said we should thank them for having ten months fresh air. Well, now you know why such country finds difficulty to progress. Hopefully the wind does not change back the direction again.
Ha, start to see butterflies flying round. They are happy to fly round with clear view and bright sunlight. Fruiting season which produces a lot of flowers, is already due. 
But they moved so fast that I could only have a glance of some of them.

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