Sunday 29 November 2015

Long-House Under Moonlit Light

Long-house in Borneo refers to the dwelling house built and stayed by the Native people, the Dayaks. Sometimes, it can be as long as 20 units or 20 families which means a population of more than 100 people. It always began with less than ten families and extended as the family grew. It is  no necessary these people are closely related, but somehow related. This long-house has a chief who oversees the daily affairs related to his people and therefore can be a political force. 
In the past, the houses were mainly built with timber obtained from the forest. But fire was always a problem. Nowadays, concrete is used more often.
Near my farm, when we built our farm house 38 years ago, there was no long-house nearby. Then suddenly, three to four long-houses were built near our land bringing in more than 100 people from other places to the area. Do not under-estimate these "migrants" force, as they can change the political landscape of the equally contested election.

What is democracy then? 

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