Friday 26 August 2016

Largest wild Umbrella Mushroom in my Farm

This is the largest umbrella Mushroom found in my farm, about 125mm diameter. Most umbrella mushrooms are small, generally less than 50mm. Why this one grew into such huge size?

The tallest human on this Earth is Sultan Kosen of Turkey, 2.51m. Most of us are less than 2m height. If suddenly, a 4-5m human starts to appear, what would you  react? Were there really Giants existed in the past as depicted in many stories of the legends, even Bible? I believed there must be so as Nature would try to produce all forms, sizes, types,etc., and let the fittest survived.
Unique Shaped Brown "Moth"

It is very small, the long range Camera could not take a focused picture. But it has unique shape.
I thought it was a dead dry leaf until it started to move. It has a bloated base, as if it suddenly turned three dimensional!  I could not find this insect in the encyclopedia neither internet. 
It was in my forest farm.

The Black Scorpion Turned Bluish

It came out from no way while I was bathing at Sarikei home, when I suddenly noticed the  Black Scorpion moving past my legs. Gosh!
Of course I did not scream like a woman and ran naked out of the bathroom. It moved fast towards the underside of the washing machine. I quickly finiosged bathing and called my Brother, who happily turned over the washing machine and caught the unwelcomed guest and put inside a small basin.

It is black but appeared bluish colour in the photographs!

When I was young, perhaps 8 years old, I got stung by a scorpion when I was sleeping on the floor. I had a bad reaction, unwell, swollen leg, pale and perhaps vomiting. My father put me on a bicycle and sent me to the clinic in the middle of the night. I could not remember whether I stayed in the clinic or what treatment the clinic gave me and took how long to recover. It was my third time having serious treatment during my young age.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Middle Moon (Jong Yong) Festival

Local Chinese people are generally quite superstitious with a lot of legends and stories. This month is also called Ghost Festival whereby the hell gate is opened and ghosts are all round the corners at night. Children are discouraged to go out at night to avoid encountering misfortunes. 

Just now on the way back at 7.00pm, I saw quite a number of people praying with candle sticks, burning hell money and offering food to appease the ghosts in front of the shops and houses.

Of course, Christians and Atheists do not believe that and they swarm the Kuching Food Festival at the City Centre at night enjoying different types of food.

This is the beauty of the diverse culture in Sarawak, having various customs and practices by different races of people.

Local Delights- Wet Fried Mee (Noddle) with Prawns 

Mee is quite a common food consumed in Sarawak. The mee is made from wheat flour and exuded using machines to form different sizes for different types of mee cooking practised by different races and even dialects.

In Kuching, the Chinese have Gong-no Mee with pork or  sea food, fried dry or wet Mee with pork or chicken or prawn. In Sibu/Sarikei, the Foochows  come out with Kam pua Mee with pork and cha-chu Mee (fried and cooked)  with pork or egg or prawns. These mees seldom exceed US2 per plate except those with large prawns. The cost may go up to US6-10.  Near my farm at Jakar, Cha-chu Mee with large fresh water prawns costs more than US6 per bowl. The local Malays have hot Curry Mee and fried dry Mee with chicken or prawns.

They all have different tastes and worth trying.

This fried wet mee with small prawns shown below costs less than US5 per plate at the coffee shop but costs much more in restaurants.

Saturday 13 August 2016

Local Delights- Fried Rice

By frying the cooked white rice with oil, green vegetables and some small pieces of meat, a delicious dish can be produced. It costs about US1.5-2.0 in  Kuching Coffee shops and of course higher price in restaurants.

The Shell of the Snail

Isn't it too heavy to carry the shell to climb the plant?
"Yes.  How I wish I could discard the bloody shell!  Say the snail, "then, I will be able to move around freely and speedily! Better survival!"

Without protection, the species snail, will be wiped off within a short time. 
Individual thinking cannot match with the million years of evolution. 

The shell also looks like a python, that will scare off many other predators!

Blue Glassy Tiger Butterfly

I often see this type of attractive butterfly in the garden when the water apple tree is blossoming. But why this butterfly is not sucking nectar from the water apple flowers, but hanging onto the dying brown stems of a weird plant beneath the tree? The stems seem too weak to hold the butterfly but they manage to balance it.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Marching Waterhen

"Buddy, why are you stalking me? Never saw a marching bird? Must be from countryside pumpkin!"

Lantana Camara

Despite the plant produces less flowers than Ixora,  I still find these flowers more attractive.  
Even butterflies will agree with me as they like to hang around these flowers. Why?
The colour varies from yellow to dark red, simply beautiful and not monotonous.

Ixora coccinea

It is always nice to watch these flowers blossom as the plant practically turn orangery red with many many flowers. 
The old plants with few flowers were cut down after more than fifteen years and the new plants start blooming after a few years.

Dark Brown Butterfly?

The sun must be very hot for you to hide beneath the leaf, isn't it?

No, no, it is just a dry leaf! Then who placed the leaf below? It is not possible for a fallen dead leaf to attach beneath a green leaf by itself!

Let's check! Ha, I see the busy builders, the red ants! Want to make nest!

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Time to Feast

Once a while, we do have such a rich dinner. What are the dishes?
Delicious bean curb, fried rice, multi- vegetables, prawns, meat, another vegetable, chicken and chicken soup.

What was the celebration then?

My children's birthday, celebrate together!

Sunday 7 August 2016


Pokemon game is now the talk on this land, the newspaper, the radio DJSs and the common people. I am puzzled, why imaginative figures could lure people to chase the ghosts!  Are the people so empty, bored or are they just curious?

Well, my ugly dog has his dogemon game too. He liked chasing its tail round and round, making all sort of noise as he played the game. What is in his mind? I wonder.

Apparently, all living things are alike!

The Remains of the Fallen Tree

The tree that fell on my gate was saw into many pieces by the firemen. I picked up a few, oh, what can I do with this piece.

1. Study
    No noticeable tree ring, where are they ? Suppose to have 20 rings for 20 years!

2. Furniture 
    Can use as sitting chair in the garden, seems to be wet.

3. Fuel
    Can axe into pieces and make fuel. But have to use a lot of energy to cut into pieces. Furthermore, burning causes pollution.

4. It seems that bee rearing is getting popular. Drill a hole and build a little house on top of it and get a queen bee inside, soon I may have honey to harvest. But, it the tiger bees come, I will be in serious trouble!
Life is easier if I can be like parasites, suck blood on others, just lay back. 

Big Foot Baby Bird

What type of bird has such a pair of big feet?

She was probably too playful and unaware of the surrounding. She fell into the large drain in front of my house  and could not get up. My maid climbed down and picked it up.

No hurt, just wet.

It is the baby white breast water-hen.