Sunday 7 August 2016

The Remains of the Fallen Tree

The tree that fell on my gate was saw into many pieces by the firemen. I picked up a few, oh, what can I do with this piece.

1. Study
    No noticeable tree ring, where are they ? Suppose to have 20 rings for 20 years!

2. Furniture 
    Can use as sitting chair in the garden, seems to be wet.

3. Fuel
    Can axe into pieces and make fuel. But have to use a lot of energy to cut into pieces. Furthermore, burning causes pollution.

4. It seems that bee rearing is getting popular. Drill a hole and build a little house on top of it and get a queen bee inside, soon I may have honey to harvest. But, it the tiger bees come, I will be in serious trouble!
Life is easier if I can be like parasites, suck blood on others, just lay back. 

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