Friday 26 August 2016

The Black Scorpion Turned Bluish

It came out from no way while I was bathing at Sarikei home, when I suddenly noticed the  Black Scorpion moving past my legs. Gosh!
Of course I did not scream like a woman and ran naked out of the bathroom. It moved fast towards the underside of the washing machine. I quickly finiosged bathing and called my Brother, who happily turned over the washing machine and caught the unwelcomed guest and put inside a small basin.

It is black but appeared bluish colour in the photographs!

When I was young, perhaps 8 years old, I got stung by a scorpion when I was sleeping on the floor. I had a bad reaction, unwell, swollen leg, pale and perhaps vomiting. My father put me on a bicycle and sent me to the clinic in the middle of the night. I could not remember whether I stayed in the clinic or what treatment the clinic gave me and took how long to recover. It was my third time having serious treatment during my young age.

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