Saturday 14 January 2017

The Next Tree To Be Cut Down in My Garden

It is almost Nineteen Years old, fifty feet (15m high) and with an average diameter of 1m. It the Water Apple Tree.

It is still producing fruits, I just threw away more than 60kg of rotten fruits dropped from the tree. I could not harvest them as they were most above 10m high. The birds, insects and perhaps bats, helped me to eat partially and let them fall on the ground. I have to pick up and throw away. Anyway, these water apples were small and not sweet, a big mistake of not getting the best seedling during planting.

But the main reason for cutting down is due to the potential danger of the tall tree, fear of falling on the house just like the one fallen on the gate last year. Besides, a lot of leaves, branches and fruits to be swept on the ground. It also occupies too much space in the backyard.

But the tree did bring in joys too. Besides providing fruits and sun shed, it made nice scenery during flowering. The flowers dropped like snow and attracted a lot of bees and butterflies. This scenery is going to be transferred to my farm with the planting of various better types of water apples, I hope.
My Ugly Dog

His routine Bruce Lee's kick after a nap!

The cry of Survival

"This flower belongs to me, the rest has been taken by you. Why you still want to take leftover away from me?

You think you are powerful and can bully others?
Do not make me angry, you think I won't retaliate? Watch your eyes, even I am small, my beak is enough to make you blind!"

Isn't this the basic instinct of survival for all animals on this Earth? 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Chain Saw

Thanks to this chainsaw, my son and I managed to cut down the tree into pieces within two hours. It took me three days to cut down the branches and the top part using chopping knives to reduce damages to the roof, kennels and garden facilities. The wood is relatively hard but with the powerful chainsaw, the work could be done easily. No wonder,the tropical trees were wiped off within short period, thanks to this advanced technology. Developed countries on one hand preached the importance of forest conservation to us, but on the other hand supplied us the best machinery to cut down the trees.
It is like telling people not to kill, but make available or sell the most efficient weapons for them to kill!

Another Cross Section of Delonix regia Tree Trunk

This cross section is 750mm above the ground level. It is slightly oval. But it was not a good cut, still inexperienced in using the chain-saw. How many rings are there across this section.

The End of the Delonoix Regia Tree at my Backyard

I planted the flamboyant tree about ten years ago and hoping to see the red flowers every year during the September to November season. It flowered for only two years five years back and I had not seen the red flowers since. It had grown to more than 7m tall with slender branches extending out like ghost hands and shedding small  leaves on the roof and the ground. A lot of sweeping was required to clean out the roof and floor. 

Finally I cut down the tree ten days ago.

This is how the cross section of the base of the tree trunk looks like. How many rings are there across? You count!

Monday 9 January 2017

Jack Fruits

The trees at my farm produced many fruits and I thought that by plucking some and left there for a while, the fruits would ripe and I could enjoy the sweet flesh.

After two weeks, they just turned from green to light brown and some of them dark brown. I cut open and found none could be eaten!

The central part seemed to be infected and turned brown. The fruit was unripe too. Why?
Should I wait for them to drop down on the ground?

Delicious Durian

Thanks to its thick skin, there is no damage to the interior flesh although it seems the skin got a hole. Sweet and Delicious! Managed to get twelve seeds out of the six compartments!

Sunday 8 January 2017

King of Fruits

It costed US1.1 (RM5, our money has depreciated greatly due to our capable leaders) to buy this Durian in Sarikei. Well, delicious, but the westerners generally  do not like the taste. The moment the durian fruiting season comes, other fruits would have to sell cheaper to attract the customers.

Look like there is an insect hole, die-loh! Why didn't I check probably when I purchased?

My Ugly Dog

"Boy, it seems that you are getting old and becoming lazy, whole day lying there sleeping! Go to guard the gate!"

"Hee-hee-hee, boss, don't worry, not only my ears are sensitive, my tail can also detect any wave movement far away! Don't think that I don't know you have been watching my ass for the last hour!"