Saturday 14 January 2017

The Next Tree To Be Cut Down in My Garden

It is almost Nineteen Years old, fifty feet (15m high) and with an average diameter of 1m. It the Water Apple Tree.

It is still producing fruits, I just threw away more than 60kg of rotten fruits dropped from the tree. I could not harvest them as they were most above 10m high. The birds, insects and perhaps bats, helped me to eat partially and let them fall on the ground. I have to pick up and throw away. Anyway, these water apples were small and not sweet, a big mistake of not getting the best seedling during planting.

But the main reason for cutting down is due to the potential danger of the tall tree, fear of falling on the house just like the one fallen on the gate last year. Besides, a lot of leaves, branches and fruits to be swept on the ground. It also occupies too much space in the backyard.

But the tree did bring in joys too. Besides providing fruits and sun shed, it made nice scenery during flowering. The flowers dropped like snow and attracted a lot of bees and butterflies. This scenery is going to be transferred to my farm with the planting of various better types of water apples, I hope.

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