Friday 28 February 2014

Bumpy Bee and the Holy Rose

It moved so fast from one flower to another flower, before I had time to examine, it had flew away. The air was full of vibration as a result of it heavy flapping. 
The body is black and the wings are violet with bluish colour, quite a unique bee.

Orangey Red Hibiscus

Dear Flower, haven't mentioned you for a while, but nice to look at you again.
Now, the plant is growing taller and blossoms with five or six flowers at a time. But I still fail to propagate the plant through cuttings. It remains the only plant in the garden.

Euphorbia tithymaloides   (Japanese slipper)  

This plant grows well in dry soil and needs little attention, but just be ware of the white latex which is toxic. The pink flowers are unique.

Pink Pendulum Flower Plant

The plant is made up of a number of long and slender stems and some leaves. You won't notice it until you see the flowers. It is so slender that a wind blow will bend the stems. How could this plant survive in a tough and competitive world ?

Brown/green Striped Cricket

It looks like grasshopper, but it is a cricket due to its long antennae. There are a lot of these insects in the farm. They live in the darkness, such as beneath the dead logs and leaves.

Orange Jasmine

These flowers are blossoming in the Friendship park and the air is filled with nice smell ! Good for exercise as you get stimulated!

Three Colours Plant

When the leaves just came out, it was light pink in colour. Then, it turned white. As it got older, the green spots came out and finally turned green. Such was the marvel of this plant, and I still could not find its name.
The plant is strikingly beautiful and there are only three in my garden. I tried to propagate through cuttings, so far I failed.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Sarikei Dog

Have you taken your breakfast ?
"No, I am hungry, Your brother only gives me one meal per day ! Any egg cake ?"
"Oh, poor thing, afterwards I will buy you the cakes. But you have to look after the house deligently!"
"I know, I have driven off many thieves and other dogs! You can count on me!"
Actually, the dog is so "Chicken" that he moment he saw a bigger dog, he would run into the house and barked inside the fence! He would hide underneath the car upon hearing fire-crackers.
But at least, he barks. 

Beautiful Brownish Water Coloured  butterfly

The whole butterfly seems to be just painted with light brown and white colour water paints.
The stripes and spots are simply beautiful. 
Who is the Artist ? Pablo Picasso? Vincent Van Gogh ? Leonardo da Vinci ? Michelangelo?
Ha, all wrong. Nature is the greatest Artist !

Butterfly Pupa Cocoon 

Look like the larva has made a safe nest below this colourful leave. The light transparent creamy structure matched the larva shape. But, where is the butterfly ? 
Would the colour of the butterfly match this colour? 
I don't think so.

I did not see any butterfly of this colour but I saw one blackish butterfly lying around the leave. But the size did not match the cocoon size! Probably, the moment the butterfly came out, it experienced "big bang", sudden expansion of size!

The theory of the how butterfly colour comes about mentioned in one of the U-tube shows is not correct.

Wood-like Butterfly

This butterfly is found in my farm. It looks like a well cut wood, probably as a result of the forest environment.

Blackish Butterfly

Do not be misled by the blackish colour of the pose, the upper side of the wings/body is bright brown!
It was resting on a hibiscus plant in my garden.

Stealth plant

The plant has now seven stems and three flowers. It also wants to join the Spring growth!  
How do plants know this is the time to blossom ? This is in the tropics!

Calliandra Haemaetocephalla  (PowderPuff)

Red! Everywhere is red ! That is how these plants bloom. I have more than ten plants in the garden, now they are all turning red.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

My Ugly black dog

You smell something ? Want some food ?  
"No, I want freedom!"
"Freedom? Here, everything is free, food free! cleaning free! lodging free! Health care free! Care free! What kind of freedom you want some more?"
"I don't even have the basic freedom to think and have my lover, where got freedom!" 
Do I look tyrant ? Why are you so silly? Why you cannot understand what I do is for the good of you!

These words sound familiar, don't you think so?

Dark Brown Butterfly with Two False Eyes

This butterfly was not flying, lying down on its wings initially. Was it just coming out from the Pupa and need a while to adjust ? But it looked big to be just born! 
This is likely the most vulnerable time of the adult butterfly because it has no way to defend.

Tecoma stans (Yellow Bells)

The garden smells Spring, the small tree is now blossomed with yellow trumpet flowers and seed pods.

Pink Pendulum Flowers

I found this plant unique, so I bought it from the Sarikei Market at US3 dollars and planted in my farm. 
I have yet found its name.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Unique Plant

This plant is unique with the colourful leaves and the whitish pink flowers. The upper surface of the leave facing the sunlight is green while the back is violet in colour.
Unfortunately, I still could not find the name.

Common tit (hypolycaena erylus teatus) Butterfly

This small butterfly is unusual but friendly. It has two feelers and 

two false legs at he back besides those at the front. The feelers 

would keep on moving and trying to sense the surroundings. The

false legs seemed to be dragged around, but occasionally used to 

balance the body when resting on the leave or my back pack.

I do not know what are the back features for. They look clumsy and unnecessary.

Great Egg fly (Hypolimnas bolina bolina) Butterfly

This dark brown butterfly is quite common and can be seen flying around in my garden and farm.

Common Sailor (Neptis nyalas papaja)

This butterfly is quite friendly and striking. 

It just flew into the farm  from nowhere and rested on my black back-pack.  

Common palmfly (Elymnias hypermnestra) Butterfly

This dark brown butterfly is the most ugly butterfly I ever seen.

How my Farm looks like from the outside ?

A year ago, the trees were covered by creepers and rattan, inside there was very dark and filled with small plants and rattan. Now, all these creepers are dying and the sun is now being able to penetrate. I planted the fruit trees among the larger trees. 
Well, the small fruit trees seem to grow well from thick humus and shade.

Costus Globosa (Crepe Ginger)

The plant was being swallowed by the creeper and looked like going to die. I cut away the creepers and it stood out. 
This wild ginger plants grow well near the stream on the open space, but their main enemy is the creepers.

Monday 24 February 2014

Black Bee with yellow belly

This bee flew from nowhere and straight onto the muddy bank of the stream and laid there for half any hour. 
I do not know bee also enjoys sun bathing in the water! 
But certainly, it was a hot day.

Danaidae  Euploea Butterfly

This large butterfly was seen flying around my farm. It appears that with the flowering plants blooming with flowers, there are at least twenty species of butterflies flying around.

The colour of the wings seemed to change with the luminosity of light.At darker light it is brown with white spots. At brighter light, it was bluish in colour.

Chocolate Grass Yellow (Eurema sari sodalist) Butterfly

This is a small yellow butterfly constantly resting on the soil at a potty plant, I do not know why. There is no nectar there!

Blue Pansy (Junonia orthya Wallace) Butterfly

I saw this blue butterfly flying around near my Sarikei farm. As I have seen this type of butterfly at Kuching Friendship Park before, the colour determination by pupa background was therefore not true. It is more of genetic, modified through evolution. In fact, this type of butterfly can be seen in many parts of Malaysia.

Forest near my farm

The moment the secondary forest is at the lowland and near to a river, the distribution of plants changes. The rattan is less dense and the plant species are different too. 
I am trying to clear to the river on my family land so that another view can be seen, instead of the highland only. Perhaps, can do some fishing too.

Light blue Plumbago auriculata flowers

This plant produces neat and elegant flowers. It was found at Kuching City South Council Park.

Alpinia Purpureta (Red Ginger)

This is a Native Malaysian plant with showy flowers on long bright colourful red bracts. It was found at Kuching South City Council Park.

Beautiful Bauhinia Purpurea (Orchid Tree or Butterfly Tree) Flower
Well, trying to see any difference between my orchid flower and that found in the Reservoir Park. This one seems to more beautiful!

Sunday 23 February 2014

Barleria Cristata (Philippines Violet) Flower

The plant in my farm starts to produce quite a number of flowers, lighting up the landscape. 

It adapts well to Sarikei Weather. I brought it from Kuching which has a higher rainfall.

Dark brown back and yellow belly Cricket

This insect has flattened body and long antenna compared to the stocky and short antenna grasshopper.

Black Grasshopper with Yellow sports and lines

This is another design of the grasshopper from my farm, at least it does not look so ugly. 
Why the grasshoppers needed to evolve into so many diverse shapes and forms in my farm? Was it competition among themselves for food and survival? Well, all of them seem to survive well.

Avanthocephala insect (True Bug, Leaf-footed bug)

It flew to rest on a leaf in front of me in the farm. This is a unique insect not often encountered. 
Quite neatly designed compared to the ugly grasshoppers encountered.

My poor Chilli pati plant

Because of the grasshoppers, this chilli pati plant looks so miserable. 
But the chilli fruits produce will be free of any chemical and can be eaten safely!

Ugly Yellowish Grasshopper

This variety is ugly and crudely designed. The back seems very messy!
Why are there so many ugly grasshoppers in my farm ?

Saturday 22 February 2014

Brown Dragonfly

The brown colour is also good in camouflaging on the forest floor with plenty of dead brown branches. You won't notice it if you do not have sharp eyes.

Yellowish green Dragonfly

This colour is insignificant in the green farm and perhaps easier to survive in the hostile world.

Orangey Red Dragonfly

This colour is unique but the marvellous finite element wing pattern is quite common.

Golden/Red Dragonfly

A different variety of dragonfly is found in my Sarikei farm. The head is golden and the body is red. 
Tropical environment really produces diverse varieties!

Whose nest is this ?

Just because I tried to see whether any egg or small birds inside the nest, the parent birds are watching me not far away on another tree. Normally these birds would fly away if I came near to them, but not this time !