Wednesday 30 April 2014

Oxalis Regnellii Atropurpurea (Shamrock or butterfly plant)

The Stealth plant has not been growing well since the last month, perhaps it is time to change the location as well the soil.

Gram Blue Butterfly

This small butterfly looks like Gram Blue such as the size and shape, but the pattern design is slightly different. It has a number of black spots without orange patch at the back part of the wings. 
When it flies, it does have a bluish look at the top surface of the wings.

Grass Yellow Butterfly

This is a common butterfly flying around in Kuching and in my farm. 
This butterly flew around me for a while and finally rested on my ankle. 
Don't know what smell  I produced such that butterflies like to rest on my clothes or the back pack. In the past, they would fly away the moment I came near. 

Tuesday 29 April 2014

White Mountain Cap

Europe has very beautiful snowy mountains at the Alps and greenish meadows at the hill slopes and plateaus.
We have very scenic white cloudy mountains (near Sri Aman Boundary to the Indonesian Kalimantan) and the green rice fields on the lowlands too.

Open Burning on the Hill

Who is openly burning on the far away inaccessible hill forest ? 
The white smoke matches the white clouds and is therefore not noticeable until you focus on the scenery.

Orangey Butterfly

It flew around me and rested on my ankle. This is a new variety of butterfly found in my farm, outstandingly striking.

The Small world

I was wondering what was that moving very slowly on the floor. At close look, it was a dead lizard carried by hundreds of black ants! The ants are greatest hoarders, never stop carrying anything edible back to their nest. How to carry this big corpse through the thin crevice will be a big engineering feat for the ants!
It reminds me of the story of Gulliver travels, where he woke us and found himself being transported by the little people! 

My Brother's Dog

"You are terrible person ! Why not make my life easier by giving the egg biscuit to me?Why put so high until I can look only?" The dog snarled.
"Well, nothing comes free ! Anyway, I am satanic! You have been in this world long enough to know that, there are many satanic people living around us ! I will make your life difficult for my own satisfaction, Ha-Ha-ha!"
"You laugh ? I can be Satanic too !" ( He bit my ummm! Joking.)

Looking for Eden World

Never stop looking for a better world, that is what I am looking for nowadays, at least in my dream. 
Far far away, there must be an Eden , I believe.

Little Green and Brown Frog

What are you doing here during the hot day ? Help me to catch mosquitoes or trying to look for partners? Your eyes seem to be blind, how are you going to see ?
In fact, frogs like to rest around the water lily leaves and when disturbed, jump into the water.

A world of Violet Water Lily Flowers

Just stop at the Sarikei Sebangoi Garden for a while and sit in the little hut, you can see the nice beautiful violet water lily flowers, standing out of the peaceful pond! There are not many gardens in Sarawak growing these flowers.

Monday 28 April 2014

Black and Yellow Striped Grasshopper 

There are now many flowers in my farm, so do many insects. 
You can rest on it, but don't eat my beautiful flower!

Fly on the Rose

Beautiful flowers are always associated with butterflies and bees. Fly is always linked to dirty or rotten things. What on earth is this fly doing on the Rose ?

My brother's Dog

Many youths like to dye the hair brownish with or without  back tail. This dog is born natural, perhaps should adopt this hair style, quite unique!

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Who is staying inside there ?

"Knock! Knock! Knock! Who is staying on my leaf without my permission ?

Brown Sea in Sarawak

At most of the river mouths in Sarawak, you can see only brown sea due to the large erosion along the river. This river  mouth is at the northern Sarawak, Lawas River and is a small river.

Ruella brittoniana (Mexican petunia)

It appears that there are two common varieties, the ground spreading type, generally less than 0.5m (near Malacca Red Church) and the high standing type which can reach 1m (Penang Botanical Garden), but the flowers are similar, catchy little light violet trumpet flowers. My garden has some low spreading type. 
The following pictures were taken in Malacca with light violet and white flowers.

Urena lobata

The plants and the leaves are small in comparison with the dark pink flowers.

Close look at Asystasia chelonides

The flowers are violet and beautiful . 
The buds are unique in shape. 
This plant will not be noticed unless the flowers bloom.

Water Jasmine

The leaves and the flower buds are quite similar to orange jasmine, but he flowers are slightly different, with a number of white standing-up strips forming in a circular manner  around the yellow stamens and stigma. The plant is also called wrightia religiosa, similar to mo-li which is fragrant. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

My Ugly Dog

I see something!  Ready to hunt now?
From gentle dog to Hunter Dog, good dog! 
By the way, he is hunting a small lizard!

A sea of Yellow Hibiscus Plants in Friendship Park

When many plants are grown together, even though there are not many flowers, the green leaves also contribute to nice landscape.

Curl up Hibiscus

That is the best it can opened up. Don't know what humans have done to this plant, the flowers cannot be fully opened and the leaves are curling up too.

Water Plants at Friendship Park

They thrive well at the edge of the lake, with long dull green leaves. Very few people would not have noticed the plant if not for the inflorescence of violet, white and red tiny flowers on top of the single stalk among the plant.

Monday 21 April 2014

The Bee and the Holy Rose

Obviously, there is much nectar for the busy Bee to dig!


High Waterfalls are hard to come by near the coastal towns and along the Pan Borneo highway as the land is generally low. They can only be found in the less accessible interior of Sarawak where hilly terrains dominate.
Meanwhile, just enjoy the cool water from this waterfall in the Sebankoi Park at Sarikei!

Wild Dog

This abandoned dog looks fierce and hungry. You can see the unhappy twinkle in the eyes. 
Freedom is meaningless when you can't even feed your stomach.

Sunset in the Friendship Park

This is the time when a lot of people and joggers are walking or running around the park due to cool weather and colourful sky.

Sunday 20 April 2014

White and Yellow Lantana Camara

Seeing a lot of pink and orange lantana Camara flowers in my garden and in the wild, white and yellow variety appears unique.

Zamioculas zamiifolia

This foliage plant is also called eternity plant with waxy leaves. The leaves grow in a stepping up manner which to many local people, indicate "promotion". As such by have a few plants in the house, they believe that their lives will be elevated.
Well, humans, are good in such imagination, no harm to have a few plants in your garden, perhaps you can get multiple promotions of status!

White Wild Ipomoea

Under tough soil conditions at the road side to Skrang (stony and infertile), this creeper manages to survive. But the leaves are dull and the flowers are less attractive. 
Nutrition affects the appearances of almost every living thing, including humans.

Saturday 19 April 2014

My Ugly Dog

Good boy, that is the way to guard the house!
Nowadays, people do not feel safe due to some robberies and thefts. Make sure that you use your eyes to look around the house, not the lady dogs, OK?

Rubber Trees

Rubber trees near my farm seem to be very old but they are still producing latex. Rubber trees take 7 years to grow into maturity and will produce latex for another 25 years. Not many farmers are willing to grow rubber trees because of the initial slow return. There are also much works to process into rubber sheets before being sold to the traders. But the current price is high, this has lured some farmers to allocate part of their land to grow rubber. About 42% of the consumed world rubber is made from natural rubber. The rest is synthetic rubber.

Lovely White Zinnia Flower

Having seen mostly pink, red and orange zinnia flowers, this white flower appears lovely.

Lantana Camera and the Skipper

The insect is busily extracting nectar from the flowers. Apparently, the yellow flowers have more nectar compared to the pink or red flowers.

Pinkish Narrow leaf Plants

These plants have been in the garden for many years. The leaves are narrow and stiff, but pinkish in colour. 
So far, I have not found its name from books and internet.

Friday 18 April 2014

My Ugly Black Dog

What have you found ? Thief ? Cat or Mouse? 
Why are you looking so intently?

Light Brownish grey Butterfly

This butterfly is quite similar to the light greyish white Quaker in term of design pattern of the wings. It has a little orange taint at the back of the wings.

Brownish Dragon fly with yellow marks

Besides the beautifully designed wings, the back of the body has complicated yellow/brown pattern. The back is relatively flat compared to many other varieties having humpbacks. This dragonfly is an artistic creation!

Thursday 17 April 2014

Corypha taliera

It takes 30 to 40 years to grow into maturity for this tropical palm. Individuals are reluctant to plant in their house compounds with such length of time as well as occupying space. These tropical palms are planted generally in large parks and quite a number of them are found in front of the old State Assembly building in Kuching.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Lovely leaves of Multi-coloured Plant

Why the leaves are pinkish when young, white at youth and green at adult ?
It reminds me of the rose plant that the young leaves are reddish green and turn dark green when full grown. What are the chemical processes involved?

Calliandra haematocephala

These plants grow well in my garden and there are at leasts ten plants around.  I am planting about ten in my farm at Sarikei, but I am not very sure they adapt well  to the weather there. 
When the flowers bloom, the whole plant is full of red hairy puffs and the sunbirds like to visit.

Crossandra pungens

In my garden, there are two varieties of this tropical plant. The colour of flower is yellow or orange, both attractive.
The leaves are however, dull green.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Flowers of the Western Wind

These flowers are nice to watch too. 
They tilted in one direction even though there was no wind.

Hot red Hibiscus

The flower is so hot red and the petals are finely opened up and smoother, unlike the variegated type which is so wrinkled. You will not get sick of looking at this flower.

April Ponds Scene

Following recent raining, the ponds near my farm are filled up again. The fish is multiplying too, no wonder there so many types of birds standing by (You can count the white egrets on the trees and the eagle in the sky) !