Saturday 28 February 2015

Hibiscus mutabilis

The plant on the road side about 50m away from my house is flowering well. Pretty and lovely, one of my favourite flowers, unfortunately, this plant is extinct in my garden. 

Faithful Guards

"Don't come near to this house, it is under my protection!"
"Any leeway for me to go in?"
"Bones, I want chicken bones."
Well, this happens in many countries, appear faithful but full of corruption.

Pretty Moth

It is very small, perhaps less than 30mm. It is light brown but the wings have white fury edges. It has bluish powdery marks on the wings near the main body. The antennae appear to be formed by white dots. This day moth is eye catching. 

Three Sun birds, Brown, Yellow and Blue

Are they talking? 
They seem to be, gossiping about where to look for nectar. 
Perhaps the jasmine flowers not far away will supply plenty!

How to survive in this Competitive World

"Oh my God, why you push me into the lake?"
"I want all the food for myself! Getting rid of you is the best option!"


Rose flowers also opened up in plenty recently.
One is a chick and the other one is already an old cockerel. Which one is more beautiful?

Friday 27 February 2015

Three Coloured Plant

Raining season is over and the leaves suddenly spring out in abundance, pink and white. What a beautiful scenery!

Aglaonema Hybrid

After shooting just a few times human manufactured golden solution on the plant , the leaves grew fast and turned smooth. 
Beautiful Plant!
But beware, one leaf is beginning to melt, the hot sun is its enemy!

Fire ! Fire!

Oh, not fire, just smoke, anti-aedes mosquitoes campaign.
Last year, there were more than 100,000 people infected in Malaysia and caused 215 deaths, quite a high figure. This year even more, look like a bit out of control. New strain of Aedes mosquitoes? I read from news that  the Authority used the sterilised Males mosquitoes to mate with the female mosquitoes in the hope of wiping off the Aedes mosquitoes. Instead, it seems getting worst this year! 
So better use the traditional method, spraying Deltamethrin  based insecticide, that is why so much smoke. But residents be aware, close your door and windows, it is neurotoxic to humans, your brain may get toxified! Furthermore, escaping and running mosquitoes will flee into your houses!

Thursday 26 February 2015

Ugly but Colourful Spider

It appeared on the car front dash board when I was driving and moved fast.
Eight legs, so it is a Spider, an arthropod which existed more than 300 million years. More than 43,000 species have been identified by taxonomists throughout the world, seventh ranked abundance.
I don't really like spiders, although most house spiders are not harmful. They are just ugly and have repulsive looks.

Lamp Post

While the two birds are busily romancing, then the lamp post comes.
He was singing and making a lot of noise by flapping the wings.
The male pigeon is obviously annoyed while the female hides her head, what is he going to do?

I love You

Do you love me? 
Obviously, the other pigeon is not paying attention. "Umm, I am worry, this is too open." Someone may be peeping.

Pomelo - Bumper Harvest (6)

Those pomelos which are not  infected, you can safely consume. 
Oh, my goodness, delicious and juicy but sour. Anyway I like the pungent scent (good for puffing), nice feeling and makes me hungry. The white skin can be used to rub on your face /skin, soothing and make you look younger, reduce wrinkles and black spots!

Pomelo - Bumper Harvest (5)

The moment you see the thick white skin is stained, you know that the fruit flies are inside the fruits. This one is too bad, spread all over the fruit. Can you see the larvae in the fruit ? 

Pomelo - Bumper Harvest (4)

This is the larva of the fruit fly. It is about 4-5mm and moves by springing from one place to another. Many city  people are terrified by the slimy shape and wriggling movements! In the farm, it is a common scene. What do you think will happen if you swallow it? Is it going to drill through your stomach? You guess.  

Pomelo - Bumper Harvest (3)

Let see how the insect invades the pomelo. First, the fruit fly drills a hole and inside they not only eat, they also lay eggs which turn into white larva. One the fruit has access, bacteria may enter and helps to decay the fruit. But generally, if the invasion is on the early stage, you only need to cut away the infected part. The rest still can be eaten. 

Pomelo - Bumper Harvest (2)

These pomelos are obviously spoiled, the result of not picking up immediately fall they fell. The whole fruits practically were eaten by insects, bacteria, etc and melted. If you are not fast enough, very sorry, you lose, no food, your competitors win!

Pomelo - Bumper Harvest (1)

This season, the tree produces more than one hundred pomelos. But many turned yellow and dropped on the ground before growing big. 
A few days ago, I picked up and collected those appeared healthy. Many spoiled fruits were thrown away. 
But how many of them are actually not attacked by fruit flies?

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Dark Pink Violet trumpet flowers

I see the leaves now on the main stem (very large leaves) and small leaves on the sub-branches. The flowers are aplenty, more than the leaves. This plant flowers throughout the year, but apparently not the leaves. 
I cut a few stems a few months ago and planted into the pot, these plants were growing too, quite easy to propagate. But I still could not find the name.

Light Brown Dragonfly

Are you looking at me? I see the reflective light in your big eyes towards me, like robot. Beautiful creature anyway. Never tired of looking compared to snakes, lizards and worms, those creatures will make your hair stand up!

Low Cloud

Perhaps this cloud is too heavy, may be the sky is too crowded, there is no place for more cloud. Anyway, it is raining almost every day. 
But it allows me to look down the cloud!
I just wonder, whether heaven will be crowded too and has no place for good people.

Light brown Forest Lizard

It seems to have shiny scales on the body like snake, but has four legs. The tail is very long too. 
Is it blind? Who covers the eyes with black tape?

Large moth

This huge moth is trying to hide among the green leaves during the daylight. It is only active at night.
But there is a mistake, I see you!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Comical Flowers

These bright red flowers suddenly popped up in my Sarikei home, unknown plant. But the flowers are unique, look like comical bee! In fact, I recalled many children liked to draw flowers like this in Creative Art.

Small Brown Butterfly with Blue Eyes

This small brown butterfly flew around my farm the other day. But it has blue eyes and blue glittering stain at the back of the wings. Phew, Unique!

Sour Oranges

This tree has grown so tall and full of small oranges, but my uncle does not bother to pluck. He says no taker. In the coffee shops, these sour oranges are used to make drinks, one glass with one orange costs RM1.50. My uncle is not a good salesman, he is just a farmer. 
He said some brokers came and wanted to buy at RM0.10 each! He felt very sour of the offer.

Monday 23 February 2015

Immobile Black Ants

What are these ants doing underneath the twisting leaf? They are not moving at all, cannot be just resting. Ants are restless insects unless they are inside the nest!
Are they sucking juice from the stalk ?

Brown Sea horse Butterfly

The two feelers are red. The two occelli are fading. The back edge and the white marking of the wings are also seemed to be loosing colours.
My daughter says the head looks like a sea horse. But I see a horn on the head. What is this butterfly?

Tropical Sky in My Farm

Yes, cloudy, is it going to rain ?
Doesn't matter. I like the scenery, soothing and beautiful with light grey colour. 

Stealth Plant

Oh, it looks so miserable, from big bunch of leaves and flowers to just four small stems left. Others had rotten. The wet soil has almost killed the plant. 
I transferred it to the dryer area, hopefully it would survive. This is the only plant of this species left in the garden.

Philippines Violet

Many flowers surprisingly came out  during the Chinese new Year, perhaps because of the rain. Normally, only three or four opened up at one time. This time, more than ten sprang out at one goal.

Desert Rose

It won't flower under the rain. 
This plant at my front door remained dry and flowered when sunlight shone upon it. These bright flowers geared well for the Chinese New Year.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Little red Chillies

It is less than an inch long, but it can "burn" your whole mouth if you take one of them directly. Each month, I manage to harvest forty of them from my farm. My family all like these chillies. Just cut the chillies into small pieces and mix with black sauce, and the apply on chicken, fish and fried eggs, it tastes terrific!

Male Domestic Duck

He would look much better if he does not have the big irregular red pimples on the head. From young, I did not like male ducks because of these repulsive pimples. 
But now, I just wonder why evolution favours this look. Are the female ducks prefer this look?

Colourful Cockerel

He is colourful and stands tall. His eyes are bluish. Obviously he has high status in his community, especially among the hen. He is also a fighting cock, would chase and fight with other cocks coming into his view. 
Cock fighting is a common practice among the local Community. 
Often, a knife is attached to the leg of the cock and the two cocks will fight until one survives. He will be the winner. Sometimes, the audience will bet among themselves. It is illegal to do so, but humans enjoy watching cruelty.

Another Fowl Waiting to be Slaughtered

I wonder whether she knows she is going to die. 
I was told by my grand father at young age, pig would cry when he knew that he was going to be slaughtered. Would fowl sense the same way, it does not seem to be.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Lion Dance

Six "Lions" entered the restaurant which I was having dinner with old classmates two nights ago!
This was the first time I saw so many "lions" in a single occasion, it must cost the owner a fortune!
Well, local Chinese businessmen believe that the "lions" will chase away all the evil spirits and bad luck, so worth it!

Slaughtering Chicken

The father asked the son to hold the chicken legs and wings, and he used a knife to cut the throat and let the blood flew into a container. 
This is how a typical countryside family celebrates the Chinese New year when the children come back from afar.
It brought back my memory when my mother asked me to hold the legs and wings while she slaughtered the chick. I felt so disgusted of the blood that I looked away from the scene, but I could feel the struggle of the chick and the life slipped away as the struggle weakened.
I would not be able to imagine how human could slaughter human like that in this modern world!

Mimosa- Shy Grass

Even though the flower is small, this plant is always a plant of attraction in our young time due to its shy characteristics, the leaves fold when being touched! 

Thursday 19 February 2015

Reddish Orange Fireball Flowers

After continuous rain, the fireball flowers are not in round cluster as should have been.

Light Violet Hydranchea

Quite a pleasing colour to have in the garden, although the leaves appear to be a bit rusty.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Chinese New Year 2015

Today is Chinese New Year Eve, most of the shops are closed by one p.m.. Fewer cars are seen on the highways and roads. "War" seems to break out sporadically as some youths released the fire-crackers here and there. But continuous raining dampens some spirit of the people, may be time to sleep rather than visits.
The multi-coloured plants and copper leaves add nice colours to my house with the pinkish white and copper colour.

Happy Chinese New Year to all friends and all the people who celebrate this festival!