Monday 26 May 2014

Future landscape

In the future, substantial area of the land will be covered with oil palm plantation for economic reason. It will be similar to West Malaysia if you travel along the main trunk roads. 
The other day, I met the neighbour who owned more than ten acres of land, he said he also wanted to plant oil palm. I cannot imagine the ecological disaster if the whole landscape is only planted with one single species of plant.
Palm oil trees do not need much care but give good returns. Just clear the forest of all plants and trees, plant in grids and wait for five to seven years. Then pluck the fruits and send to the palm oil factories, there you go, MONEY. 
But I was told too and read from the newspaper that the palm oil factories offered very low price until the farmers complained and protested. If you cannot sell the fruits, then the oil palms are worthless because you do not have capital to process to palm oil or other product and the fruits are not edible! Over dependence on one farm product for income is therefore dangerous.

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