Monday 8 February 2016

Chinese New Year

Today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, wishing everyone in this world happy and at peace (even though I know is impossible).
Last midnight, it was just like war zone in Kuching as tons of firecrackers were set off, which could be heard far away. Look like Kuching people are still rich enough to burn money even though it is illegal. Belief and fun probably were the themes. People believed that the thunderous noise could drive away the evil spirits and misfortunes, just like centuries ago. Children, even adults liked fun.
Customs sometimes supersede the laws which are far away. When the tiger is not around, the monkey is the king. 
Yes, this is a monkey year, it is expecting to have a lot of mischievous things happening in the coming new year. Let see what they are. As long as you treat those events as monkey business, no need to be too emotional, everything will look al right.


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