Thursday 18 February 2016

Defiant Behaviour of Tongkat Ali Plant

After cutting down the single trunk tree at the ground level, the plant responded by growing with multi branches. Such defiance instinct is seen in most of the living things of this Earth. It complies with the Newton's Law, every action will have reaction, but I find this, multiple reactions.

In dictatorial countries, leaders always thought that by suppressing the people with draconian laws, putting people to jail, sealing their mouths and even killing them, in order to cover their wrong doings, such actions ALWAYS responded with defiance, growth of hatred and finally violence, until such leaders ended in tragic. 
Therefore, it is best that leaders should learn from history, set up good examples on honesty, integrity, hard working and with good moral, so that all the people can follow them and are proud of them, having single strong trunk rather than multiple weak branches, only then the country will become strong and wealthy.

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