Friday 20 March 2015

Green Praying Mantis

You want to fight? I am ready!  The praying Mantis poses like a kungfu fighter. 
When I was young, I liked to watch all the kungfu shows. One type of kungfu imitated the praying mantis and came out with many aggressive steps. I liked this dance and fighting, even imitating it.
As I grew older, I found this rubbish. In this modern time if you have a gun, whatever kungfu cannot be faster than a bullet. 
I found many film shows ridiculous, the heroes have the upper hand in the gun battle, but chose to drop the gun and fist fought with the villains until they themselves were half dead too! In any battle, time and energy conservation are the essences, enemies are everywhere, no time to stop and fist fight!
But those were the young days, idealistic and naive, believing whatever being shown!

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