Tuesday 28 April 2015

Beauty Does not Last

The fireball flowers were hot red and beautiful last week, attracting many butterflies, bees and ants. Now it is just ugly remnants.
So beautiful people beware, beauty does not last, make sure you leans some skills before you also become like that. Nobody bothers to give you a look! 

Beautiful wild Mushrooms

There are so many types of mushrooms in my Farm, what factors actually govern the species of mushrooms growing on the dead wood? Are type of dead wood, moisture content, location, degree of sunlight, humidity or simply chance controlled the growth of different fungi?

Light Pink Rose

Why my light pink rose is not beautiful?  Not enough nutrients or simply lousy gene?
But this is the only one in the garden, therefore it is valuable.

(Amazon lily) Eucharis grandiflora

These lovely flowers are now hard to come by. I shifted most of the plants from Kuching Garden to Sarikei Farm. Look like the weather there is not as suitable even they are shaded.


Monday 27 April 2015

Costus Speciosus (Crepe Ginger)

After the flowers dropped, some new yellowish red flowers seemed to be growing out from the terminal. They look like baby birds opening up their mouths seeking food from the mother bird.

Barleria Cristata Violet Flower

Every day the plant produces at least twenty 
graceful flowers. Don't know why it suddenly becomes so productive, no fertiliser and no special care. So, it must be the weather, it senses Spring, even though there is no Spring in this tropical country.

Life is Full of Disturbance

Just look at this water surface, it is full of disturbance.
In the outer space, same things happen.  Meteorites, asteroids,comets, dusts, pulsars, black-holes, sun flares, supernovae, etc., all  bring  some form of disturbance to members of the universe, whether direct impact or producing sub-atomic particles or electromagnetic waves. 
Our life too, we have many good people around, but there are many who create disturbance and troubles to this world. 
Is this part of the Nature? 

Red hot Canna Flowers

This inflorescence of orangey red flowers is eye catching. But it remains fresh only for a few days and turns ugly after that. Nobody will then give a glance on it. 
Beauty often does not last but why people enjoy seeking that short instance of beauty?

White-Red-Yellow Butterfly

It moves fast, seldom rests on the any place for more than five seconds. This butterfly only appears when the water apple tree blossoms with flowers, with many of them at one time. I do not know where they come from. How do they smell the flowers in the middle of the Kuching city?

Sunday 26 April 2015

Wild Red and White Kidney shaped Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)

It must be delicious, so many tiny black insects visit the red part of the mushroom. 
Why red? What nutrients it has? Is it really it can modulate immune system, inhibit tumour growth, anti-bacteria, anti-viral,anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cardiovascular disorders? Perhaps, I should collect these mushrooms and do a trial? Who will be the Guinea pig? Myself or my ugly dog?

My Ugly Dog

Haven't bathed him for a while, the hair looks so dusty. 
But what happens to your leg? Why are you putting your leg up? Don't tell me you hurt your feet! Why are you incessantly giving me troubles?

Red Hot Hibiscus

Haven't seen this flower for a while since it died last year in my garden, really miss this outstanding red hot colour. So please to find it at the Friendship Park the pother day, one and only one flower.

Saturday 25 April 2015

The Holy Rose

The yellow petals are the one which is brightening up the flower, not the middle filament which is dull orange. 
Time to go to Church for those Christians and pray for peace.

Rhoeo Spathacea

It grows well underneath the wild trees, but does not appear to be fleshy among the dropping leaves. Many small white flowers spring out like little white butterflies. 
By drinking the boiled water with the leaves and flowers, it may have cooling effect on your body system and reduces coughing according to local belief.

Pinkish white Lily Flower

It stands out among the surrounding large green leaves, reminding me of the Lotus flower, pure but often alone.

Friday 24 April 2015

Flower Garden in My Farm

This part of the Farm near the valley and stream  is supposed to be flower Garden. I was thinking to make it Butterfly valley. But when I did not attend the area for three months, the garden becomes a forest too. Only a few flowers are noticeable now. 

Weird Yellowish light red Flower Buds

The trumpet flower is white but I can't understand why the buds are yellowish light red and some more non-uniform odd shapes. This plant is found at Miri Tanjong lobang beach.

Greenish Grasshopper

No all the grasshoppers are ugly and repulsive. I found this small light green grasshopper quite likeable and beautiful in Miri. It seems to be dreamy too with large brown opaque eyes and two short banded antennae.

Sparrows Haven

The seat is supposed for humans, unfortunately, Miri people are so sick of the sea beach already, hardly any body visits the place. So the sparrows find the place heaven, they enjoy the scenic view and wind blowing! 
But why are they looking at different directions?

My Brother's Ugly Dog

This is an odd sprinting position, what does he see inside the drain? I am sure he won't jump into it, one of his hind legs is not functioning. Perhaps there is a monitoring lizard, instinctive reaction.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Vast Sky and Sea

Not matter what, it is still nice to see the vast greyish or bluish sky, wavy or quiet greenish blue sea and the white waves full of bubble. Forget about current pressures and throw away widespread injustice. 
It is also peaceful to hear the whispering wind and roaring waves.

Day dreaming Couple in the sea

It is suppose to be a romantic scene, but they seem to have different dreams. What are they dreaming ? You guess!

Jetty into the sea

The whole stretch of beach has no visitor, but the jetty has many anglers. 
Away from city, surrounded by sea and sky, day to day pressure can be forgotten. 
May be the sea will award them big fish too!

Impact of Development Near Miri Tanjong Lobang Beach

After re-development to include a few blocks of commercial buildings, the outlet of the drainage causes this ugly scene of the beach. I can't walk through the beach now. I also don't know what is the concrete footpath for. Who wants to walk through the dirty drain water. Look at the rubbish collected near the drainage outlets, spoiling the beautiful view.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Seven Petal Jasmine Flower

The plant hardly produces flowers, but this time quite a number of flowers open out at the same time. Many buds accompany the flowers too, therefore I expect to see and smell more of these fragrant flowers in the next few days.

Common Grass Yellow (Eurema hecabe contubernalis)

This is another common butterfly found in Sarawak. 
It hangs underneath a leaf in my garden. I suppose it tries to avoid direct sunlight. These two days are hot, piercing hot. What happens to the sun, another flare?

Yipthima Butterfly

This butterfly is rather common in my farm but it may of different sub-species. The main difference is the number of the ocelli, the sizes and even the arrangement of sizes. This one has three ocelli on the upper side of each wing, and from big size at the upper wing to small one near the tail.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Serene Evening on Borneo Island

The scene is not glamorous, perhaps a bit dull, but it still gives me that sort of serene and peaceful feeling.

Skipper (Parnara guttata)

A permanent dweller in my garden, it is often seen resting on the leaf instead of flower. The body is small and stout, but where is its proboscis?

Large Spiky Dark Brown Caterpillar

Isn't this creature supposed to be crawling on the tree branch, why is it on the floor?
Which insect this larva belongs to?
The whole body is full spikes, which  predator dares to swallow this kind of creature?

Large Brown Uraniid Moth with White vertical bands

The other day I posted a dead butterfly, but a few days ago,it is actually a moth. I found a live one hiding underneath one of the small trees in my garden. It seems that there are many moths of this type around my house at this time. 
Where do they come from, I wonder. 

Striped Earth Worm

It is much smaller and shorter than the earth worm, but it moves fast across the ground and over the gravels. 
While the earth worm is pink in colour, this one is striped with alternate white and brownish red. The white colour appears slightly transparent.
Dare to hold it and let it crawls on your hand? You may feel electrified with goose bumbles rising!

Monday 20 April 2015

Creeping vine Flowers

Not only the plant itself aggressive, creeping towards every direction and invading into whatever spaces, trees, buildings, drains, etc., it also produces beautiful pink flowers for the insects and birds to help spreading its genes to far away places. 
No wonder, my adjacent land lots in the Kuching City, used to be just yellow earth filled lands, are now full of these nuisance creeping plants, and attempted many times to crawl over my fence.

Fireball Lily Flower (Scadoxus multiflorus)

Every now and then, these fireball flowers would pop up from the insignificant lily leaves beneath the Bauhinia tree. They are like most of the lily plants, flourish in the shadow with occasional direct sunlight.

Anthurium andraeanum

These plants and the red spathes are growing well in the Farm as they do not need much watering. The grasshoppers also have no appetite on the leaves.

Shield Plant

I have not found the name yet but because each leaf looks like a well designed shield, so I call it shield plant. The white patches appear to be painted, remind me of some of the butterflies' wings.

Wrightia religiosa

Is there any point to keep this plant ? The plant is so woody and the flowers are tiny, hardly noticeable, but the smell is nice. The leaves are also small and few. 
The other day I excavated out from the ground and put inside a large pot after finding the plant looked so straggly and miserable without leaves and flowers. 
It has been with me for more than ten years.

Thumbergia Erecta

Not many flowers come out this time in the garden, but these plants are tough and be able to survive long without much care. It has also spread into my Sarikei Farm.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Ctenanthe appenhelmlana tricolor

Only two pots of plants left in the garden, glowing with irregular patches of green on a creamy yellow background. You can notice these plants even though they are less than 30cm tall. The leaves are oblong and have a herringbone pattern which is eye catching.

Hurricane Palm and the Starlings

So many red berries, the palm attracted many noisy red eyed starlings to feast so that its genes can be spread to other places when the birds excreted.  You help me, I feed you.

My backyard Garden

How many types of Plants and flowers are at this part of my backyard Garden? Can you identify them?
(1) Red Palm (Cyrtostachys renda)
(2) Bleeding Heart (Clerodendrum thomsoniae)
(3) Turkish Cap
(4) Holy Rose
(5) Philippine violets (Bauhinia acuminata) (Violet and white)
(6) Philippine violets (violet only)
(7) Red Powderpuff (Calliandra haematocephalla)

Less and less flowering plants survive since I focused on the Farm. They need care and attention too.

Ananas Comosus (Pineapple)

Finally, after attempting many times planting the edible pineapples, the fruit is coming out. The young fruit is awesome with so many colours, green, red, violet, cream and whitish. It needs probably another three months before it can be eaten.

Eugenia Aquea (Wate apple) Flowers

The tree just fruited a few months ago, but now it is flowering again and is "snowing" on footpath. The flowers attracted tens of white butterflies with red marks on its wings. 
Normally, the tree flowered during July and/or December of the year, but now is only April!

Saturday 18 April 2015

Ugly Fallen Tree Trunk

This tree had lived many years in this world but experienced many hurting experiences until parts of the bark were dead. Tree has re-generating capability too, something like self maintenance and repairs. Certain parts of the bark seem to be thicker or multi-layers as new bark grew on the old bark. Other parts are stained with latex. Branches had fallen off the tree trunk and formed holes and very soon occupied by certain insects. What are these insects?

Wild Banana

I did not plant it, but it grew out in between my orange fruit trees. I have not tried eating this fat type of banana when I saw it at the other part of the Farm. Anyone dares to try?

I though banana spreads by offshoots and confine to local area. Probably this type of banana has seeds and spread by the birds.

Greenish Dragon Fly

This is the first time I see this tiny green butterfly, very small, but magnificent. If you are not alert enough, you will not be able to observe it in the shadow. The two eyes and the back of the upper part of the body are black in colour, but the underside is green. It has a long jointed brown tubular lower body linking to a slightly bloated tail which is light blue and black in colour. The wings are brownish but transparent.
Can it be the baby of the greenish helicopter dragon fly?

New Species of Bee coming to my Garden

This bee has black/yellow upper robotic body and brown with black stripes at the lower rounded body. But where is its weapon at the tail? Look like it has fired, which means it is not going to live long.

Friday 17 April 2015

The Red Dragon Fly

I thought that only butterflies and sun birds like flowers, I did not expect Dragonfly also likes flower, tabernaemontana flower. 
When it rests on the white flower, its red colour is even more outstanding. Perhaps, it sucks human blood until the body is full of blood!

Dropping Flowers 

Sound poetic. 
I have written a Chinese novel named "The Days of Dropping Leaves", perhaps I will think about "The Days of Dropping Flowers".
From the dropping flowers on the road each day, you can imagine the number of flowers on the Tabernaemontana plants.