Tuesday 7 April 2015

Tongkat Ali - Eurycoma longifolia jack

Last Sunday, four old classmates came to visit my farm. One of them identified the Tongkat Ali Plant in my farm. 
I have heard about this plant since I was working in KL, popular mainly of the sexual boost it could generate after consuming its root and hence valuable. It could fetch few hundreds US per kilo. 
People said this plant could only be found in the deep forest, I never expected it to be found in my farm!
Due to my ignorance, I cut down this tree to pave way for my new camp, leaving the bottom part to die naturally. But new shoots started to grow out of this remaining bottom and my friend identified it because he planted some in his garden.
This plant was probably about 10m high when I cut down. The root is likely more than 1.5m deep.

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