Sunday 15 June 2014

Noisy Engine

If your car engine suddenly becomes noisy and louder, then it may be the air hose broken. 
I sent my car to a well-known workshop in Kuching recently to repair the oil leak. It came back even noisier. In fact, I sent three times to the workshop as the oil still leaked and engine became noisier, costing US350. Finally, I decided to check myself, this was what I found. 
Clearly, the rubber hose was dissolved by certain chemicals and the mechanic tried to hide. Furthermore, they did not secured back the hoses properly, and some screws disappeared. 
This is the standard of the Mechanics here, I do not know where to send to after staying here for 21 years. It is difficult to trust the Mechanics here! 
Once the Car gets old, it is better to buy new car to save the troubles! But that is provided you are rich! 
Or else, you better learn to repair yourself!

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