Awesome View of the Mountain of Batang Ai Lake Isn't this beautiful ? How nice will be to live on that hill! Perhaps, have to think twice too, how are you going up and down the mountain?
Happy Children and the Water Perhaps humans are nurtured from watery environment, they are happy to see and touch the water. The children are, especially excited to play in the water, disregarding the danger (Parents have to be on watch.) Given them a few months of ducking near the shore, they will soon be able to swim across the lake.
Woolly grass in the Wind Haven't seen this scene for a while. Glad to see this near Batang Ai Lake. It is quite windy near the lake, just sit in the rest hut and relax. You will find peace and serenity.
Slimy creatures What are these slimy creatures doing on my Orange leaves? No wonder, some of the plants were stripped off all the leaves! These creatures are the larvae of the butterfly, the second stage of the complete metamorphosis.
Chilli pati It is finally ripe, time to harvest ! This type of chilli is one of the hottest chilli. You just take one, is enough to make you feel the "heat" in your mouth. If you just touch it and rub your your lips, you can even feel the "burn".
Mother and Daughter "Mummy, mummy why the water is so blue?" Asked the little girl. "God makes it." said the mother. "Mummy, mummy why the sky is so blue?" Asked the little girl. "God makes it." said the mother again. It is not the questions and answers that are important. It is the willing to spend time together that moves this picture. How many of you have spent time with your family like this ?
A long boat in the blue Water The boat looks tiny in the huge lake. "Everyone keeps still, don't move, the lake is very deep! I will not be responsible for any capsize!" said the boat captain sternly. "Is there any Crocodile?" asked the nearest passenger. "Don't worry, there is no crocodile. But, but, someone had seen a huge long necked monster rose out of the water many years ago! Well, so, depend on your luck-lah!"
Floating Houses in the lake What are these floating houses doing in the Lake ? Well, a right to fish at the marked area, each house claims its right to harvest the fish going into its compound!
Batang Ai Lake Township The place had transformed to superb tourist spot since I last visited eight years ago. It was just splendid sight, suspension bridge, rest/watch huts, footpaths camping site and floating pontoons around an island. The most pleasing will be the blue lake and blue sky.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
The blue Butterfly When this beauty folded its wings, a totally unexpected Colour pattern emerged, a combination of light yellow, brown and little black. How did Nature make this butterfly evolved into so many colours ? For what purpose ?
Damaged Brown Butterfly This variety of brown butterfly seems to be very common in Kuching. I found it in the Park too. It likes to sun-bath on the floor. But, the wings seem to be quite damaged, probably by heavy rain and did not rejuvenate. I wonder How long will this butterfly survive with the change of aerodynamics and whether it feels pain?
Ixora Coccinea There are 500 varieties of these tropical flowers. In the Friendship park, the dull red flowers are blossoming, mainly because the plants are regularly fed with fertilisers. They also show sign of dehydration.
In my garden, no chemical is allowed, so the flowers are scarce. Of course, this plant is of different variety. It is bright orange.
What is this Shit ? Yes, these are the dog shits on the walking path. Some irresponsible dog owners do not know how to control their dogs and let the dogs shit anywhere ! To all dog owners, make sure your dogs shit in the bush or pick up and put inside the plastic bag and dump in the rubbish bin!
Yellow Belly Sun-bird After having a full meal on the nectar of Malvaviscus arboreus flowers Nectar, the bird is now singing on the Christmas tree, trying to lure the opposite sex not far away.
Alocasia (Elephant Ears) These Giant plants are found not far from my house, spreading wildly. It was originally planted by the house Owner opposite the location. Then I saw the plants growing so dense and occupy much space of the house. Soon, the plants were ripped off, and probably dumbed at the present location. This plant needs a large garden and constant checking to prevent the rhizomes spreading rapidly.
Torenia Fournieri (Clown Wishbone flowers) Haven't seen these smiling faces for a while, the two colours of flowers suddenly sprout out at another part of the garden. Look like the plants can be easily spread by wind or birds.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Bluish Butterfly I was told that the background where pupa hanged would decide the colour of the butterfly. For this butterfly, what type of background has blue, black, brown, yellow, pink and white colours ? In the garden there is so much green and red, but I have not met a green or red butterfly yet.
Pillar of Creation Yesterday was one of hottest days in Kuching. The sun was piercing and the clouds were white. But the shape of the this cloud intrigued me. It reminds me of the pillar of creation especially when I tinted the photo reddish. Here on Earth, the pillar creates rain. In the far distance of the Universe, the pillar creates stars. Somehow, the principle of accretion and segregation applies everywhere.
Hot red Canna Canna plant often produces bouts of prominent flowers, but I do not see the presence of butterflies, bees, birds or even ants on the flowers, why ? There is no nectar or the colour does not attract them?
Waves When the wind blows, it causes the water in the lake to form waves and moves in the direction of wind, plus up and down. Any object on the surface of the water, whether still or moving, will be disturbed. When a nearby large star explodes, will there be gravitational waves (besides cosmic rays) blowing towards the earth and disturb its rhythm?
Red Plumeria Rubra Which one looks more striking, the Kuching Red Plumeria Rubra or the Malacca Pink Plumeria Rubra ?
China Imperial Palace in Kuching ? No, this is just an empty mock building in the Friendship Park. It looks quite nice, but nobody occupies inside, probably some structural problems according to the newspaper. Outside, the Christian group and Kung-fu group take turns to practice their dance and excercise every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Sometimes, other groups also come to have their exercise. The park is my regular walking.
Caladium Another variety of caladium was found in the Friendship park this morning. The design is markedly different from the one in my garden. The outer edge of the leave is dark green while the central part is bright pink with a lot of white veins.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Booming Cat's Whisker Plant Normally, this plant has only one or two stems and therefore produces one or two flowers. This plant grows into such a dense growth, do you know why ? It is grown near the septic tank where the plant can access to some of the leaked ammonia compounds.
White Creamy flowers? Are the curly structures stamens and what about the circular shell structure in the centre? Actually, these are remains of the fallen Thumbergia Erecta flowers, quite a feature of this plant. The centre of gravity is far out of the erected flower and if there is extra mass or force on the outer flower such as wind and rain, the flower will detach from the sepals. There may be some other purposes, evolution would have change this defect if it is detrimental to its survival. Can you figure out?
Calliandra (powder puff) These plant normally blossoms during rainfall season, but this season there are not many flowers.
Eugenia and Hibiscus leaves When the two plants grow side by side, the leaves under the sun becomes reddish, pinkish and dazzling.
Dracaena Marginata Colorama (Madagascar dragon trees) These slender plants in my house are now growing well. The growths are now getting thicker!
Delonix regia (peacock flower) Not a single flower is left on the trees. Only the dense fern-like green leaves are now dancing in the wind.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Black Butterfly with white patches You like sun-bathing too! Look like during the raining season, all the butterflies need to dry their wings regularly in order to fly efficiently.
Bauhinia (Butterfly tree) Flower The tree is blooming well with flowers and pods of seeds in the current rainfall season. In colder countries, these flowers blossom during the winter. It has unique shape like orchid, and sometimes called orchid tree.
My Ugly Dog "Look at You, so filthy, how many days you did not bath already?" "Wow,-wow, I had been crying for many days since you went for travelling. Nobody cares about me!" "Poor Boy, but don't lie, I know you do not like bathing. Every time I bring the water hose, you hide deep inside the back!"
Flies Flies are found everywhere and they are such a nuisance that you want to murder them the moment you see them inside your kitchen. They can spread a few diseases such as Cholera and typhoid. Have you ever looked in details what this insect looks like ?
Batang Ai Lake during Dry Season During Dry season, the water level can drop more than 10m, exposing the orange banks and turning the water greenish.
A Close Look at Barleria Cristata (Philippines Violet) Flower The plant only produces a few flowers each time. It has to be trimmed often, otherwise it will grow disproportionately and turns ugly. The flower is graceful when look from far but is a bit wavy when looks closely.
Brown Butterfly This type of brown butterfly likes to sun-bath, opening up its wings and immobile for a few minutes. There are two round eye spots, like eyes, but the other eight are just circles with dots at the centres, another two are just near circles without central dots. Why does this butterfly evolve with these circular spots? The predators will not be easily fooled by these circles. Perhaps like most women, it wants to beautify itself to attract the opposite sex.
Friday, 24 January 2014
White breasted Water-hen "There you are, good morning. What are you doing outside my house?" "Looking for food. We don't stock like you people, some of you accumulate more than sufficient until many others have to starve." said the rail.
Dying Spider Lily It only needs a small storm and heavy wind, the long slender stalk snaps and that is the end of this flower.