Saturday 4 January 2014

Life in the Rural Sarawak (3)

Boat Taxi Driver shrugged his shoulder and exclaimed: "Very sorry, engine down, let me see whether I can repair or not!"
Back fat Passenger: "Alamak ! Why you didn't check properly before you took us! I am going to sue you ! But -- what is that in the river ?"
The middle passenger watched and exclaimed: "ahh! Look like a crocodile! Wahh, so big, bigger than our boat!"
The third passenger panicked and screamed: " Quick, row towards the river bank!"
The driver took a look and continue unscrewing the engine and coolly remarked: "You dumps, are you people from the city? Don't even know the difference between a crocodile and a floating log ?"

There are many uncertainties and risks in the rural area, but life has to move on, whether you like it or not.

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